MovieChat Forums > sokar > Replies

sokar's Replies

I don't agree that a film would have done better with the samer coloured critics, that makes no sense. A Wrinkle in Time was crap, just everything about it was terrible which is why it bombed at the box office, no amount of coloured critics would have changed that. Look at Jordan Peele, his film get out, loved it but i'm a white male how is that possible, and i'm really looking foward to his next film, looks really good. Again he is a black filmmaker that is critiqued by white men and they love him (98% on RT) but difference betwen him and Ava DuVernay is he is actually talented at making films, she is just a propaganda tool to attack white men. So the point about more POC critiquing movies that have POC is just nonsense. I wish i was comfortable lol. I don't have have much left over at the end of the month and have plenty to complain about, i have just been in the game for a while and know how to play so to speak. But i was in the same boat when i was younger, i couldn't afford anything, i had to work 3 jobs to put myserf through university and i don't honestly see why your sex or colour should make it easier for you. I was lucky i got my house when houses were cheap i couldn't afford one in todays market. I see in your example with illness then yes there should definately be something to help you get back on your feet but not to the detriment of someone else, thats my real arguement and what i whole heartedly disagree with. The example i gave about the fire department was exactly what happened, someone blew the whistle on it, was in the local papers, they were absolutley hammered for it and rightly so, it's disgusting and just puts peoples lives at risk. But this type of affirmative action is happening across all walks of life. On a positive note i do hope you get well soon That i totally agree with. This is why i hate affirmative action. No one gave me anything, i have worked hard all my life for what i have , which i will be honest isn't a lot but i have a wife, 3 kids, a house, i'm happy with my little slice . What i don't agree with is someone being given a helping hand over others just because of their skin colour or gender, it really doesn't help anyone. Look at the military, nothing against woman but if you start reducing entry requirements to accomadate them it just puts people at risk and this can be used across a lot of jobs in the modern age. There was a recruitment drive near where i live for fire fighters, the add even said they were interested in woman and POC and minorities and it was found out that these groups were allowed a free pass to the final interview but the whte men still had to go through all the normal tests, it's the very definition of descrimination that these groups seem to be constantly fighting against. Like i said it only works one way and that is against white men, hence why i don't totally agree with the privilaged white men comment, again just my opinion. Considering that nearly every issue is usually lumbered onto the shoulders of white men, i wouldn't call that privilaged. Frankly i hate that term, you make of life what you put into it. If this movie tanks it will be sexist white men, if the critics were negative it would be because to many white men. I appreciate your opinion i just dont fully agree with it but i enjoy the discorse. But in regards to woman, they are definately the most protected, privilaged of them all and i'm married to one. They hold all the power and none of the responsibilty in many parts of life and work. They can slap me, i cannot retaliate. They can call me names i can't do the same as it's sexist. They can make false claims and no punishment is placeed on them but the man's life is destoryed even if innocent. The list goes on. I read the artcile is was intriguing and quite an incite into the other side so to speak, thank you for the link. Remember it only works one way and that is at the expense of white men's jobs. There are jobs and careers dominated by woman but there is no push to get more men to do them but probably every job in existence that is dominated by men, especially ones that hold power and wealth there is always some push, agenda, initiative under the banner of diversity, inclusion which as we all know is code for less white people to make sure that they get more woman, more minorities regardless of if they even want to do it in the first place. As an example where i live they are constantly pushing for more girls/woman to go into Stem fields which presently is dominated by men (why that should be a problem i don't know). Anyway there are no barriers to stop them, no invisible or glass ceilings to push thorugh, they just choose not to. My daughters engineering class has 33 students, 30 boys, 3 girls and 2 of the girls have dropped out, tells you everything you wanna know. I just wish these groups would stop pushing false narratives and let people get on with their lives the way they wish. Sport in America (and please correct me if i am indeed wrong, i don't live in America), NBA, NFL is dominated by black players should there be a push for more white players. No of course not because it should be the best person for the job no matter what the outcome. As previously stated, equal opportunity for everyone, of course there should be but there should never be equal outcome. Sorry for taking it of topic, normal service will be resumed shortly. 3.....2.......1 Brie Larson Thank You for pointing out what i thought was blatently obvious. Again why would they need to. Oceans 8 for example, is a man's opinion on that film not as good as a womans, why, its a movie, its entertainment. The critics sex, colour or race should play no part on his outcome of writing positive or negative reviews of a movie. That's their sole job to be without bias. We were obviously talking about hollywood A'listers, when do you here front page news of some random struggling actor, the answer is probably never, so don't try. What did i write that was vile, classiest trash. Brie Larson is a white woman, which currently is the most privilaged and protected gender ever. You cannot criticize them without being called sexist or misogynistic. But they can call us white men anything they want without ever having to worry about the consequences. The way you responded is case in point. What has the age of my account got to do with my opinion, does having an acccount longer hold more water or something, i created it to give my opinion just like you, so please get off your high horse. In regards to the comments made by Brie Larson if they were made by a white man there would absolute hell on, he would have been lambasted and railroaded out of town, literally having his life destroyed, which brings us nicely back to her being part of the most privilaged class in existence. Here endeth the lesson Why would they need or have to be 52% female. Are you now saying that every job on the planet has to match the gender, colour, race statistics. Why can't people just be allowed to do there job regardless or this bullshit gender, colour war. You ever wonder why there are not 52% female critics, maybe they don't want to do it ever think of that. I cannot stand affirmative action, giving people a helping hand based on there race, colour or gender is just pathetic, people should be allowed to do whatever job they wish without persecution. And yes Brie Larson is a racist, sexist, horrible person who has never experrienced hardship in her life. She is part of the most privilaged class ever in the history of this planet. She keeps stating its hard to be a female actrees, yeh they all seem to be struggling to earn there millions, it's absolute rubbish. Equal opportunity, not equal outcome So by your definition believing in free speech is the same as being a nazi and a fascist. I think you need to go read a dictionary Not a single review was left, so that's a lie. You cannot review a movie on RT until it is released. Brie larsson deserves to be attacked. If she is going to attack white males, then she should be prepared for the retaliation. Frankly im not overly bothered about RT, just trying to make a seperate discusion. My hate is with the constant attack on white males because we dont like said actors particular work. Like i stated, woman your a sexist, black your a racist. Whatever happened to not liking something because you personally don't like it for no other reason than that you just dislike the movie. I can absolutely guarantee that when this movie is released and the numbers are lets say underpar (i know it will make money, im just using an example) the access media and all the shill reporters and critics will all the say the same thing "white male trolls hate woman". This movie will underperform because 1: Captain Marvel is a very poor charcater and basically Marvels Mary Sue and 2: Brie Larsson for not keeping her mouth shut. She doesn't want to be reviewed by white men or be told things by white men then i and many others don't want to be lectured too by a white chick. Troll campaigns, such an easy slur to chuck about. You dislike the movie, your a troll, you dislike the female lead your a sexist, you dislike the black lead your a racist, it's tiresome and lazy. Rotten Tomatoes can do whatever they wish it's there website but in doing so opens up such resentment and arguments towards the access media. The poll on RT about interest in Captain Marvel was exactly that a poll. The anticpation score bottomed out at around 27%, thats bad, really bad, coincidence RT took it down, maybe maybe not. But what people can't hide is the comments that were left, they have been recorded by Youtubers including Nerdrotic and read out in videos. Not 1 commennt was sexist, racist or misogynistic but the media have already posted multiple articles saying toxic fans are trolling RT and review bombing the site and then again it gets taken down, coincendence again, maybe maybe not. You couldn't leave reviews by audience or critic before movie release so how were they review bombing the site, the anser is they were not. The media is lying to you because we now live in a society that can't criticize woman. Go watch the many videos regarding the subject by both men and woman and say if RT took it down because of anything else but to protect this mvoie and more like it. Who tried to sabotage the movie. Those pesky racist, sexist, misogynistic white males that are stalking every female led movie, is that who? You do realise that the Rotten Tomatoes part that was removed was basically a poll that showed who was interested and not interested in seeing said movie. You could leave a comment but absolutely no reviews by audience or critic could be left before the movie was released. So i ask again who was sabotaging this movie, the answer is no one except Brie larsson. The comments that were left on Rotten Tomatoes were nothing more than people stating they didnt want to see the movie, watch 2 videos by nerdrotic who posted this and read them all off, not one single comment was mysogynistic, racist or sexist. You can not be interested to see a movie and still not be sexist towards the female lead, you do realise thats possible right but unfortunatly that doesn't create clicks so the media and idiots like yourself have to keep pushing the narrative of those awful man babies who hate woman, it's disgusting and neads to stop. If you can attack white males for everything then anyone is fair game and that includes woman. How come other female lead movies that didn't push an agenda were attacked, hmm, no one complained about Wonder Woman, no one is complaining about Alita Battle Angel. Why, because they didn't push a feminist anti male agenda and for that those same sexist fans you and everyone is attacking went and enjoyed a fun film. So how can they like those female lead movies but then are sexist towards Captain Marvel, the answer is they are not, they are just not interested in seeing it, end of story. it is people like you and the media that keep perpetuating this idea of toxic male fans, you are what the problem is.