MrMovie's Replies

Yeah horror author. Again where are your facts. I don’t know what you have said, but I bet if we looked at the skeletons in your closet it would be bad. He clearly hates anyone who doesn’t agree with his viewpoint which would include people of different races so he’s a racist and a prejudice. I said iconic so obviously sales would be used to back that up. Do you know what iconic means? King is an icon you can’t deny that. You don’t have any facts, you just rattle off nonsense. Please go smoke some more drugs you dumbass Please tell me an American author in the past 100 years more iconic than King. He has sold over 350 million copies of his books. He’s the 5th richest author in the World. These are facts you fucking idiot. I would love to know everything you have said in your life. I guarantee it would be a lot worse then anything Trump has said. You’re an ignorant racist. Your a terrible person and need help. M.Night is an successful director who makes millions so you lose Wow nice job being objective libtard. You’re a piece of filth, absolute Scumbag. Another child trying to troll. Go fuck your dad You clearly didn’t understand the line. Also, King is arguably the best author of all time. He is definitely the most iconic and he has more money than you. Go back to superhero movies you uncultured swine. Wow what a fucking idiot. You’re clearly a Nic Cage hater who knows nothing about movies. Wow this line and movie went over your head. Get a life loser, and gain some knowledge. I like how you clearly don’t understand movies you simpleton. Get a life loser By far the best part of the movie. Get some culture you corporate swine. You’re a moron. It’s a fun action movie not The Godfather. Get off your high horse loser. Agree 100 percent. Honestly it’s not a good biography, Walk the Line and Ray were much better musical biographies. It’s also a joke Rami Malek it’s going to win over Bradley Cooper, Bale, and Ethan Hawke. It’s disgusting this movie is nominated for Best Picture. I’m not trying to be racist, but the only reason it’s nominated is because it’s African American. This movie is nothing, but a generic superhero movie. Avengers Infinity War was better and was that nominated for best picture.