linuxlad's Replies it was around the 8th. Hopefully there will be no more variants or mutations. Yes, their pardons would be voided but only if the president is impeached and found guilty while still in power; however, that is nearly impossible at this stage, so all those he pardoned are safe and immune from prosecution of criminal offenses that they were pardoned for. Constitutional provision: <blockquote>The pardon power of the President is based on Article Two of the United States Constitution (Section 2, Clause 1), which provides: The President ... shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, <b>except in Cases of impeachment</b>.</blockquote> If he is impeached and indicted by the 20th, then all those he pardoned will be revoked. No one really knows if it would work until it is tried, however, after the events at the capitol and the audio recording, I doubt anyone would allow him to attempt a "self-pardon". At this point, they are trying to find the quickest way for the transitioning of power to the VP or removal from office. Pence has already denied invoking the 25th and the impeachment process takes months which will only prevent him from ever being able to run for a second presidential term or any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States. They are trying to do all this within the next twelve days which is unlikely. Even if somehow they invoked the 25th, impeached him, and indicted before Jan-20th, he will still be untouchable in the sense that he will not be criminally convicted, prosecuted, and incarcerated. After some research, I have found that the POTUS is the one individual in the U.S. that is above the law which is a complete contradiction to a "Constitutional Republic". If he were criminally prosecuted and incarcerated, it will be a first and set as a future example. Sometimes when it is half empty than that is all I see, and sometimes when it is half full than that is all I see. 🥃👀 lol, no, but poor things are one of the most helpless animals on the planet. 🐇 Based on the information of that link I posted on top of this post, it is possible for him to pardon himself or at least try, since it has never been done or accomplished before, no one really knows if it would actually work, but according to the constitution, there is nothing specifically written that can prevent him from doing so. At this point and forward, he is pretty much untouchable and immune. What I think they are trying to accomplish at this point is to prevent him from ever running office again. Superman is the weakest...all you have to do is show him a piece of rock and he falls to the ground like a dying a rabbit. 2nd most powerful (martian manhunter)...all you have to do is light up a match and he falls to the ground like a dying rabbit. Abbott and Costello...I like all their films.😎 Up until Wednesday, I didn't think that they would waste any time or resources with impeachments and prosecutions once he was gone from the white house, however, after that mess at the capitol, I think they may pursue it even after he leaves office. Of course you "don't think", otherwise you would have carefully read my statement as I never said anything about not understanding and you obviously and clearly missed the part where I said "personally". He was impeached and then acquitted, yes, but "personally", that does not count unless there is an actual "indictment"...(you do know what an acquittal and an indictment is right?), or would you prefer an analogy so you can properly comprehend it? He did nothing except sign a document for something that was decided by others. All presidents sign documents all the time. So you have no proof or evidence that "he" has done anything good; I already knew this so my question was rhetorical to begin with. Unless he "pardons himself" first. Never been done or attempted so he would be the first. I personally don't consider "impeachment" when it is followed by an acquittal. I only consider an impeachment when there is an indictment. Which part did you not understand when I said "<i>must not be</i>" "<i>passed on to him to sign off</i>"? <blockquote>The PACT Act passed Congress unanimously and President Trump signed it into law.</blockquote> Oh, I'm with you on that, it is seriously bad but at the same time it's humorous. I know, it's like everything has to be far left or far right. What about the rest of us that prefer some middle ground and balance? Yeap, both sides have been going at it for the past 160 years. <blockquote>the incredible good he's done for the country?</blockquote> Ok, so then reply with a list of irrefutable evidence and cite all verifiable evidence. This list must not be plans, choices, and decisions made by/from others and then passed on to him to "sign off" so he could take credit; it must be a list of all the good things that "<b>he</b>" did. Yes, but it should work since the rules are allowed to be "bent". Well, in that case, since the rules can be bent, then it should work for more than five, however, it would be more flexible if superhero series were allowed as well.