Theman's Posts

What do you climate activists think of Biden now The Biden’s are out of touch with middle class. 50 people died in a hot truck in Texas because Biden said to illegals to I really like this film but this is one of those movies that doesn’t have a single The main character is a lot like Han Solo. Do you think the first prostitute... You know what I think?( Major Spoiler) Question about the book. An alteration that I think should be made to the ending.(Major spoilers) This is too much like Kubrick’s other movie... Why does Poe(major spoiler) I don’t know why the press is fawning over Monica Lewinsky. 1 person died in Capital riot. 50 died I did not feel bad that…(Major Spoilers) Was anybody afraid that the OD girl at the beginning would throw up? Don’t let anybody fool you Alaska is very very cold get the heck out if you still can! People should be able to say what they want. This is the age of internet. She was great in Death on the Nile. Have you ever played in person Dungeons and Dragons? Why didn’t Jack Ryan recognize James Earl Jones from