Kennedy's Replies

There's about 20,469 high schools in the united states, so on average 400 per state (and much more in the larger states - 3,892 in California) and only 81 episodes of 21 jump street with the original team (the new main characters can of course work in one of the schools done in earlier episodes without problems). I still liked it but yeah, I really would have liked to have a patient story in each episode. Now the fact that they're shrinks is almost irrelevant, it's just a basic sitcom/dramedy. Secondly, water will NEVER be an issue. . .certainly not "bottled water," for cripe's sake.-> you are linking me an article of a guy that calculates that... I'm just refuting your article. DOESN'T MATTER IF PEOPLE WERE "HOARDING." They're ALL GONE NOW. And ALL those resources are still around (food, water, ammo, supplies, etc.)-> yeah spread over a town of 10,000 people with now 9,990 zombies around, a couple in every house. Of course you're gonna go badass fight for a few cans of tuna every day by raiding random houses, but then you are going to die. And again my calculations were not taking into account that hoarding. So this series plays 20 years in the future, that's when they are food shortages in certain communities (or very bad food in others), which is what you're saying is unrealistic. Not immediately. Also in the series there are no shortages of gas or vehicles, which is what you were alleging as well. Again, you're looking at ONE source, and making a hilariously inaccurate projection based on that. I won't go into the particulars, because the article I linked does an Excellent job, and you clearly haven't read it. Bottom line: you're Wrong.->it's just an average supermarket shelf man, some supermarkets will be bigger some will be smaller but ballpark average will be something like that. You estimate how many Years of food/water someone would have, as if they wouldn't be planning to put systems in place moving forward, WITHOUT relying on what was left behind.-> again, didn't see the series? the main characters barely escaped some fascist government quarantine zone/prison. In other areas we see small groups of separate communities that are fighting each other. All the people we see are just surviving, society is completely broken down, they don't have a chance to plan some long term agriculture. Sure, some people manage to do it, like bill and joel, but a lot of people are also trying to survive day-to-day. Enough water? Really? In my supermarket there are maybe 3-4 pallets worth of water at any given time (granted I live in a country where you can drink the water from the tap). At 900 liters a piece this gives a max of 3600 liter (of course in reality it would be way less due to hoarding in the initial days of the outbreak, and then the immediate aftermath in which more people are still uninfected) Person needs about 1.5-2 liter a day. So would last you about 5 years even in the most optimistic scenario where the supermarket stock is completely untouched after days of panic and hoarding at a time the supply chain was already breaking down. Then food. Let's take some big supermarket shelves of canned food: I estimate about 240 standard tuna-size cans (130gr) per half-shelf. In total there are 8 shelves there so 250*16=3840 cans of fish and meat (and this is me being very generous). Of course they don't include vegetables yet. So let's say you eat two 130 gram cans of fish or meat a day + some cans of vegetables to complete your diet. This is pretty sparse because two cans of tuna are only like 260 kcal. For one person, 3840 cans should again last you about 3840/2/365=5 years. So yeah, like I said, with 10 people left on a town of 10,000 people with two supermarkets you're going to run through stuff pretty quickly. Also are you just ignoring that you were wrong about the gas and the cars? How are they not zombies? yeah they are covering at least multiple months in 9 hours so there's a lot of stuff they're not showing. In the story universe, the problem was not that it was too cold for cordyceps before, the problem was that the human body was too hot, humans being warm-blooded as opposed to ants. With climate change the fungus through natural selection adapted to survive in hotter environments and was then able to survive in the human body. The body of an living human is still 37 degrees even on the south pole, so after the fungus started transferring from human to human, the outside temperature does not matter anymore. There's probably a lot of people that were similar of you, but 20 years down the line probably most of them have died, or are living in protected communities of some sort (QZs or otherwise). The people left have been living without law and order for 20 years, in the beginning they got indiscriminately killed and bombed by the government, everyone had family members traumatically dying, maybe you had to kill some of them yourself, there will have been plenty of local food scarcities and you might have been forced to do some wicked stuff just to survive, everyone is traumatised as fuck and paranoid as fuck and everyone has weapons. There's ton of crazies around there, cults, cannibals, fascists. Then infected can jump you any minute or maybe the stranger you found will turn infected during the upcoming night. There's way more men than women, and no law and order or society to control them so there's probably a shit-ton of rape. Maybe you would be willing to share your food with a sympathetic stranger, but what if he is a scout for a group of 50, then your food supply that was supposed to last you years is suddenly gone. If you tie someone up and shoot their friends, after they get liberated they probably want to take revenge, and it's not so easy to get away quickly. There's probably a lot of no-go-areas with zombies or human communities you don't want to cross (even at fedra they have a death penalty for going into or out of a QZ) and unless you are very lucky and find a working car battery or a horse, you only go 5km/h. So you don't want to leave witnesses. The show doesn't depict a shortage of cars, the problem was to find a working car battery. There's no shortage of gas, the few times they have a working car available they are not wanting for gas at any point, they just take it from random abandoned cars wherever they go. Only problem is they have to do it every hour or so because the gas being degraded/separated. For food: you seem to forget that an average supermarket gets supplied every day, under normal population most food would run out in a week or so. Now there are way way less people, but we are talking 20 years here, that's a 1000 times as long, and all the food that's not canned will have wasted already after a few months. Pasta and rice can in theory keep well but not in plastic bags when there's no one around to guard it from vermin. So really even if there are only 10 people left from a town that had 10,000 inhabitants, eating only canned food, they are going to run through the cans from the two supermarkets in that town pretty quickly. Because there was never canned food to feed 10,000 people there to begin with, because most of the food we eat is not from a can. Go to the canned food section in your local supermarket and imagine how long you can survive on only that, even if it's just you. Sure there are warehouses with more canned food at places, so some communities living close to them can live pretty good, but there's no distribution network, no one will want to share, and modern supply chains try to keep stocks to a minimum. Don't know the answer but there's a flaw in your reasoning: the fact that they spend the majority of the time walking does not mean they covered the majority of the distance walking. The car is so much faster, that even if they spend only 10% of their time traveling by car, it would still account for most of the distance. Also while you have the car you don't have to forage every day in whatever houses are close, you can just raid a particularly well-stocked and untouched supermarket and load your truck and not spend any time foraging for the next few weeks. You have to be less careful for zombies because you just drive past them as long as you don't run into a roadblock etc. Also if that part of the trip is the smoothest/easiest there's less reason to spend a lot of time covering it on screen. Probably many people also tried that and many also probably succeeded, but it's also not without risk, they could run into (the territory of) any of the crazy groups of government nazis, competing militias, preppers gone crazy, religious fanatics, cannibals. All these little fiefdoms that are armed to the teeth, paranoid as hell and trying to share their resources with as little people as possible. And then the zombies. So there's probably also some merit in trying to stay. And they have way less population, so sure less resources, but also less competition. "the only one pro blacks in the south" lol yeah i see how that could be a problem We don't need more people man, the world is overpopulated as fuck, there is absolutely nothing wrong with not procreating. What is wrong though is to take the increased risk of putting a severely disabled baby on this world. He was not upset because of the incest but because he knows his brother is super depraved and wicked and doesn't want that for his daughter. Wouldn't recommend OP to watch any historical documentaries about European or mediterranean monarchies though. They are all nominally believers in the new gods, mostly only the starks and other descendants of the first men believe in the old gods. It's just the difference between a bible thumper with a WWJD bumper sticker and someone who goes to church because believing in god is the default world view everyone was raised with in their circle, but who otherwise doesn't give it much thought. Still they're raised believing that 'swearing to god' is pretty serious. Especially when they're still children. Yeah quite fresh for a college comedy like this. I like that they didn't chicken out and she really banged the 20 yo college student. Well, that's why there are big international climate conferences where world leaders try to agree on targets for emission-reductions. Point is that the USA and rest of the west got filthy rich exploiting the rest of the world and the environment, and still have higher emissions per capita than any second or third world country. So now they expect us to take the first and biggest steps in trying to fix this. And that's fair enough. The problem with this movie is that it does itself a disservice by adding in all these fictional elements. The warcrimes of the Netherlands in Indonesie are bad enough as it is, you just have to show what really happened. You don't have to stick them in nazi-uniforms to force the point. And that ridiculous surviving-the-game thing on the end, and then a fictitious attack on westeringling/suicide in the end makes the whole thing less believable. By sticking to the truth the message would have been much more powerful. i like digital watches myself but most are unfortunately very ugly :(