Kennedy's Replies

Glad to finally have you on board on fighting climate change! Welcome to the team! On the other hand sad to see that you prefer to continue subsidise the Chinese state and Chinese industry. Is that a republican stance? team owen wilson here Wow within 5 minutes on a subforum where no one posted in 24 days - you are amazing! thanks so much! Nah, I think a show can show minorities in a way that comes across less as a box-ticking exercise. The writers treat it a bit like Noah's ark or Pokémon: got to catch them all. It's not common for a community to be so incredibly diverse since groups with a lot in common (such as minorities) tend to cluster together (without any discriminatory intention). You do have very diverse groups in real life but they usually have something else that binds them together (like my little pony). On the other hand you have to consider what this show wants to do: provide sex education in a fun form, so from that angle you can see how it's important for the makers to include every minority so everyone feels normalised and problems from every group are addressed and non-minority people (as far as they exist) learn to relate to different minority groups. I really don't think telling someone to delete their posts so to hide his 'bad thoughts' is a constructive way forward, I don't know about this guy's intentions but I think there might seriously be people thinking this, so why not try to explain them instead of making them hide in shame? This is an anonymous forum anyway. Geiri, I think it can be traumatising that someone just crosses your sexual boundaries like that in public and no one including yourself is stopping it and the guy is just getting away with it. Maybe it's not the act itself (creepy guy exposing himself) but her powerlessness in stopping it that is traumatising her. In your mind and most people's mind they think they would call the person out, especially in a 'safe' public space like this with lots of people around, but in reality a lot of people freeze if something like this happens, and that can really undermine your self-image and confidence! Maybe she just has general cartoon character vibes with the hair, dungarees and all the bright colors? Yup, didn't ruin the show for cause I still love it, but he is the worst and I dread every plotline he is in. You haven't found out about porn yet? Man there's already lifetime movies for you if you want to see that crap. Just saying mean things? He seized government buildings, marched his private army to Moscow and shot down multiple Russian air force helicopters and a plane. (also generally tortured thousands of people on both sides and committed a multitude of other warcrimes, but I guess that's less relevant for Putin) Of course other people are getting killed for just saying mean things about Putin, but not this guy. 5 hours?? Yes, that's the in-universe word they use for the zombies in this story. Yeah, I can see it being on a lot of 'cancelled too soon' lists since at that point it wasn't clear for everyone yet that the writers didn't have a coherent explanation for anything. Yeah so so bad. Who thought it was a good idea to frame this from the future, showing every episode that each of the characters are gonna live miserable empty lives in a covid-dystopia and hate eachother forever (only spending all their money and time dressing up for zoom calls as if it's for the oscars). It's just so incredibly bleak (only in the last episode they are suddenly all friends and lovers again). Also in the 4th year itself they don't seem to have any fun anymore, or take any action. They're all just wallowing in their misery all season long without much change. The only thing that work are coco's big brother adventure and the ominous school shooter teaser at the end of each episode. Then they try to redeem it all in the final, which has some spark, but completely unclear why the other 9 episodes were there. Also Lionel is just such an annoying guy, i mean okay he starts out socially awkward and incredibly indecesive, but where is the character development? He just stays the same and everyone loves him. And then I'm not even getting started on randomly making it into a musical 3 seasons in. Wtf? Did you know an unlimited amount of porn is freely available on the internet? Dude.. What are you doing 'analysing' some grainy 50 year old movie for a 2 frame shot of some pubic hair? Man, is your google broken? Read a bit wikipedia before saying dumb shit like this. Some episodes later HT Ioki is retconned (at least, i don’t think they planned it) into vietnamese by revealing he was a vietnamese refugee who escaped the fall of saigon and took the identity of a dead japanese guy in order to join the police! So I guess they realised there was something off about having a vietnamese guy play japanese while at the same time addressing anti-vietnamese paranoia 🙂 (still keeps the same name though for some inane reason) Just because some members of a discriminated minority use certain language, does not make it not-discriminatory. There's plenty of minority people that are actually prejudiced against their own people or have self-hate, or use the language ironically, or try to be cool about it because they don't want to be considered a prude, a party-pooper or woke, or try to reclaim/reappropriate those words. Personally I say the word 'bitch' all the time and don't think they should be considered discriminatory really because they are seldomly meant with a sexist connotation, just like 'dick' or 'gay', and language is all about real life usage, but there seems to be quite a strong trend to make these words a taboo because their literal meaning references gender. So you still like him? After it turns out he didn't really like Trump and was just lying so his corporate masters could make some money of you poor misguided guys? Well my point is that we can enjoy this :) and don't worry, they are making a lot of new woke tv and film every day, so there will be a lot more to enjoy!