Filmtenk2's Replies

It's the website's lack of traffic. I bet the ratings we're solid. I want to know what happened to the IA guy, is he dead and burried or will he be back? Did Sam Winslow take her own life or did Lena kill her? The mayor I bet is a snake in the grass who would turn on Ray in a second. Toxic masculinity kills. So just got to the chest stabbing and there still 50 min left in this movie. Anyone who tutors under Roy Cohen is a bad guy inside and out. Almost guaranteed to be cancelled That's one thing Punisher War Zone did better. I know a lot of ppl find Claire Danes attractive and to each their own. Years ago I think I saw her in The Rainmaker and in a certain scene she was crying while recovering in a hospital. If I recall, she asks the protagonist for a kleanex to wipe her tears but I thought she just as easily could have asked for toilet paper to wipe her ass. Maggie Gyllenhaal is prettier than Claire Danes. As gorgeous as these two women are, I am dumber for having watched this film. If i was advising Trump, I would have said this speech is the perfect time to bring up legalizing weed nationally. If national security is what you care about, then that's one simple quick step. That would be convenient (only taxing Democrats ) until you fell on hard times and lose access to crucial government services. She was recently in a successful show, The Alienist. Babyboomers can eat it those greedy scabs. Even if you have a great relationship with your dad, if he's a baby boomer, then that sucks. Ha helms deep. Huck acted like Chris W. attacked her. The indignation of this woman! Part of me wants to watch tonight to hear the audacity of lies come from Trump's mouth but I won't fall for it. Infinite network exposure is what got this kid elected. Ruth is among my favorite. Wonder if she'll retaliate against Marty for Cade. Don't understand why they decided to go with ghost Russ and Wyatt. Seems out of place. Maybe it's an attempted to develop Wyatt's character? Why is Russ the only ghost? Seems like an unnecessary tangent. Wouldn't be surprised if Ruth had Case ghost visit in S3. And were released every 1-2 years like they were in the classic era. This every 4-5 year has has to stop. But a great actor. As long as he doesn't go Kevin Spacey he can survive being an ahole. What's wrong with a feminist agenda? Anyone who's educated knows that feminism benefits both sexes. Look beyond the right wing radio, blogs, fox news to form your opinions regarding different philosophies.