Jason46's Replies

So, are you saying religion would make it worse? Those kinds of issues would happen regardless of religion was around or not. I wonder how the astronauts at the International Space Station feel. Pretty soon the military is going to struggle to find fit, healthy young men! Female bosses tend to want to prove that they're "tough" like a man. As a result, they tend to come across as overbearing and micromanage. They tend to be more picky about little things that don't really matter; whereas, men tend to only care about the final result. Male bosses leave you alone. Whereas working with female bosses, there is a sense that someone is always watching over your shoulder and I cannot function like that! That doesn't surprise me at all. Men tend to be more easy going and relaxed. Middle aged women are the worst coworkers. They tend to gossip and cause tension/drama in workplace. Hence, the "Karen" stereotype. Dental offices for one.... i don't know ANY Sikhs that carry the dagger. they are a hard-working group. i thought canada had strict gun laws. Yes. I own a sonicate. And I also love my waterpik. But he's a shitty human being . Women fell for him in the 70s and 80s though. That is what OJ says after being released from prison. The test post has failed. :(. *resuming normal operations in 3.....2.......1.....* "Who do I sleep with around here to get a promotion? Do I start with you?" I fixed it in OP.