LucasCorradi's Replies

I dont know man... the category in which a movie fits is extremely subjective. We see so many films that a bunch of people consider to be something and a bunch the contrary.. sometimes the movie fits into like 4 genres. So I listened to it and it is very powerful. But it is very subtle. Passengers one I like better because is more in your face about Trump himself. Don't lie to me could be interpreted in a way that it could have been for a hundred different people Hahaha sure! Thanks for the recommendation! Thanks for your comment man.. it did help me see the film in a more broad way. I still wish it was more like what I started the topic with, but good one, good one. Thanks for your comment man, it certainly made me more excited to see the film. And yes me too, aside from Amazing Spidey 2 I also did enjoy Fan4stic for the first two acts quite a bit. And yes.. as a giant fan of the character of Venom as I am, I will say the movie looks fun. Unfortunately I will only be seeing it when it comes to bluray because I live in Brazil and all of the theatres nearby play the film dubbed in portuguese because people are just lazy to read subtitles. And I hate dubbed movies. Yeah but that still leaves a little meehh in my head. I think the scrip could have taken a tiny time to show exacly why he didnt kill them I prefer the movie too, man.. but I liked that aspect about the comic. It just wasnt as fleshed out of an idea as I wanted and when they announced the movie I was hoping they would fix that on the film Yes.. the movie I piched is really difficult to make especially at the point we were in the MCU. But come on, the script could have come up with better motivations for the characters. Now I liked the movie. Its really entertaining and all. But did you know that Mark Millar didnt like the film? And I bet my ass its for the reason I started the topic with And yeah you can call me stupid for liking TASM 2 but I did agree with the issues everybody had Yeah I dont know. The RT audience score is certainly a surprise given the general reactions I saw online. But hey.. Amazing Spider-man 2 had failed with both audiences and critics and I still thought it was an enjoyable movie ??? Sorry english is not my mother language I bought the fact that Electro suddenly came to hate Spider-man out of nowhere because I understand how crazy and mentally disturbed the character in the movie is. But that is still cheap writting in the script department. Just too easy I like it because Joss really does know how to do comic book characters interactions. The avengers behave how they should behave. And the action is also straigh outta the comic book I guess we all agree videodrome is the best haha Thats the main weak point in the amazing movies. Although Jamie Foxx really tried, especially the lizard came across as one of the more boring villains ever You know what I fear.. studio interferance. Or are you gonna tell me that Spiderman 2 would turn out just the way it did on a Cinematic Universe? I doubt it. I love the interconnection between characters of this. But theres less liberty. You have to understand that very few films get high ratings on IMDB. Only 4 films make to tge 9.0 rating just so you have an idea This is a rare occasion where I would accept anyone to play JJJ other than JK Simmons. I think it would get too distracting.. I think the most scary thing of all is that Tobin Bell (actor who plays jigsaw) says on interviews that he is not a killer because he provides choices bal bla bla.. but its interesting to know that 90% of the traps he launches are practicaly impossible to evade even if the victim really tries. And where the fuck are his sense of morals anyway? In Saw 6 he kidnaps a guy because he SMOKES.. fuck off Its the tired repetition of every other Saw movie after the second one. Was really desappointed