LucasCorradi's Replies

No. Of course I give the other Spidey flicks a chance. Raimi movies are indeed my favorites but Im definitely no idiotic fanboy who cant see past his favotite films. I have watched TASM countless times and of course I know what you're talking about with Captain Stacy. I just wish that through the script or through Webbs filmaking that that particular point could have been made more effective. Sure! Before I knew it was one of my favorite movies. It still is I think. Havent seen the film in a long time so I dont know. But as a tennager iit was definitely one of my favorite films Not many.. I go to the movies frequently and I only remember walking out of Transformers 4, The Predator and maybe a couple of others. The fact that I don't even remember which those were says a lot by itself. Jesus fucking Christ man. I can even tolerate someone calling others low IQ because of politics. But these are just fucking movies! Art in general is subjective! Did it ever cross your mind that these people might have agreed that Venom is trash in a lot of areas but yet have had fun with the movie? The Amazing Spiderman 2 was just like that to me. I consider the movie's script to be awful, but I had fun with it. Thus me giving it a positive score overall. Just stop acting like a 12 year old that is as closed minded as a turtle. Thats even better then. Means you dont have to be a Venom fan to enjoy the film The main reason why I hate this show and refused to watch S2 was Finn Jones. He gives one of the most try hard performances of all time I think. He's indegestible. I think the way rotten tomatoes work is fair. Its basically an agregate that says if the amount of people that gave it a thumbs up is greater or shorter than the people who gave it a thumbs down. Yes its good that we can have a rotten tomatoes and metacritic score so we can have an idea of the quality of the film before spending our money on it. But I myself say I actually feel kinda bad for giving the movie a rating. There is a critic who once gave a film 1/10 star rating but on his actual review he said wonderful things about the film. That was his way of kinda protesting against this wave of people who dont read reviews and instead only look at the rating and decide by that. I think especially in Venoms case this is important, to watch and read the reviews. People like it for very different reasons and dislike it for very different reasons as well. Sure, it doesnt use the formulaic jump scares or comic relief or anything that is a usual trope at this point. But we can't pretend that thats something new also. Non commercial horror movies throughout the ages have been just like Hereditary. Look. Overall I still think Hereditary is gonna go down as the best horror of the year. Theres some really, really effective stuff in it. And dang.. who knows, maybe if I see it again I really could enjoy the third act more and respect it for what it is. Like I said, I dont like what the act does but I like HOW it does it, definitely Did I say every horror movie ends exacly like that? Jesus... Im talking about what predominates throughout most of the third act. Its generic horror movie trope to me even though it is very effective. A guy running around the house being creeped by STUFF. Now of course it would be silly of me to say the third act negates what happens before. My issue here is not with the whole movie or especifically how it ends but rather what predominates in the third act in general. Everybody trying to explain this from a logical and technical way. But I think it has all to do with Tonys ego and how he wouldnt want to miss the action and about his deep personality conflict he has with himself about his sense of morality. Its important for Tony to show to everybody that he is in the suit also. I felt the same way about The Amazing Spider-Man 2. A really fun popcorn flick that has an abismal script. Therefore becoming a bad film IMO. Although my reasoning for having had fun with it has to do about me being biased towards it because Im a Spider-Man fanatic since I was 9 years old... So my point being. The chances of you being a Venom fan are pretty large I honestly thought it was the most ballsy and coraugous thing Marvel has ever done. You woudnt expect that from a studio that wants to play safe on every level just to keep the money coming. That is the kind of thing that generates hate amongs hardcore fans. A applaud Marvel for that. Now about what you said. I dont think comic book adaptations should play out exacly like the comic books. The Mandarin could still exist in the MCU but with another name maybe. Im not a hardcore Iron Man fan so I dont really care to be brutally honest. Yes. Perfect. If we are aknowloging more films to come foward I would definitely do what you proposed Scott McClouds The Sculptor Everybody that borrowed this book from me has cried while reading it. Its the most bealtiful story I have ever seen (including films and regular novels) Its also hugely entertaining. It conveils exacly why I love comics and Graphic novels, that media. Already fixed it........ The mistake of the film was having two important villains. They introduce Osborn in it just so fans don't get pissed if the villain that killed Gwen in the comic ends up not killing her in live action. But in order to have more tension you have to build up the villain. In the comics it works so well because the goblin had been around for so long. Stan Lee really built up for that moment. Now I know it wasnt Lee who killed Gwen. But Conwey just chose the best option for a villain. Now in my opinion if youre gonna do a Gwens death storyline, I think the killer shouldve been the Lizard. I havent said I liked it. I was in my teen years and I was stupid. I only remember really liking the atmosphere in that. But bro. Movie is subjective. I, like a lot of people, happened to have hated The Predator. You happened to have liked it. Thats all fine and dandy. Honestly I had a headache throuout the whole film, so maybe if I watch it again I may like it a little more. What I didnt say in the original post was I remmember the comedy worked just good and there was quite a few genuine laughs. But the main problem of The Predator for me was I felt no tension what so ever. Thats it in a nutshell I honestly havent seen those movies since my teen years (AvP ones). I honestly dont remember. I remember enjoying AvP 1 but that doesnt mean anything because me as a teenager used to like a lot of crap. But yes.. if I could bet money on which one I would like the most.. my money is on AVP 1, unfortunately I remember loving this as a teen. Really have to see it again to consolidate it as a good flick. But as of right now is one of the better horror remakes IMO Totally agree with you and your rating. As fas as trailers goes I thought it was from mehh to ok. Decent if Im being generous. I hope we get to see more about the kree or the skrulls on the next one. But I think you can have a kickass trailer without showing almost anything. Remember that teaser for BvS? Awesome