TheArgentinian's Replies

The performances are heightened. It's surrealist humor. LOL! Her performance is painfully problematic. If you're someone who complains when "nothing happens" in a movie, you're not going to like it. If you don't mind slow pace and little to no plot, you might like it. Sounds like it works better on cinemas than alone at home. Does it hurt your fee-fees when he makes fun of Dear Leader? Saw this last night. Disappointment of the year. Just plain boring. I hope it flops and puts the final nail on comic book movies. What you love about the remake is what I dislike about it: it shows too much. aah, this good old far right talking points from people that stopped learning history after the civil war ended. Was it for "states rights", right? A love letter to cinema doesn't seem like a bad final film. no, it isn't. it makes perfect sense if you read what's his reasoning. There are some but it's not an overreliance on them. Why would you point out the lack diversity and inclusion? Are you racist or something? The laugh per minute ratio is higher in Airplane. Funny's funny. shaving is conforming to the patriarchy. you never heard of one the most celebrated debut film in cinema history? if only the script were tighter and less crass regarding the relationship stuff... i saw this for the first time and was surprised how similar the killings were shot. Spike deserves more credit for doing it first. But since this isn't focused on the actual hunt for the killer, it's apples and oranges. feminism wasn't a thing in the 80s?