DorianGay's Replies

You don’t need to be a Trump supporter to want a wall built, that’s just common sense stuff. It doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on in Sweden and all over Europe and then realize how quickly a country can turn into a shithole. I never said alt right script = libtard’re a paranoid loon who keeps putting words in my mouth and straw manning all over the place. When did I say I’m a trump supporter? I love how you just assume all these things lol. Do you believe everything the libtard media feeds you? It’s time to leave the bubble and get some fresh air. As opposed to your kind that dresses up in antifa gear and runs away when confronted with a fist lol. The Beta male Democrat who votes for gay rights and transgender bathrooms is gonna lecture me about being a “little bitch”? Lol The next time you wanna act hard maybe you should keep your feminine politics to yourself.....ohhhh and how about grow a pair of nuts and act like a man, would ya? Third world illegal immigrants almost always smell bad from my experience, maybe some of them use soap? Couldn’t tell you for certain though. If you like illegals and terrorists so much, then why don’t you move to Mexico or the Middle East? Come prove to us your manhood. 😂 It’s not about being afraid, it’s about not having to smell them in public places, seriously they don’t shower or understand hygiene. I bet you live in a cushy neighborhood with 99.9% white people like all other Beta Liberals. What in my post was factually wrong? You seem salty as usual. Your lack of punctuation and poor sentence structure doesn’t help your accusation. Well if your name is “Brock Turner” then warm up pants are the way to go for “easy access” if you catch my drift. “A Wrinkle in Time” kept us from interracial dating. Law and Order: SVU Damages Night Court You’re forgetting the blonde chick who was shot dead in California by an illegal....that’s two dead bodies for you to think about. If we don’t build the wall soon your grandma might not make it home from Bingo I’m afraid. “The grass is always greener on the other side” “He’s the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his back” And any car crash news story that uses the words “jaws of life” ewwww I just cringe. Bull? Ohhh good lord, that show doesn’t even resemble reality and is complete nonsense. Yeah but he was a US citizen....apples and oranges brotha!!! I’m against criminals and terrorists, it doesn’t matter what color they are to me. We need to wipe them all out. Yes because criminals always make sure to register their guns, geez your a naive little snowflake. I always wondered what it would be like to stick up for and make excuses for thugs, rapists, terrorists, and criminals. You’re parents must be so proud of their communist little boy. Tell that to the rape victims in Sweden, are you willing to have a ‘Red Dawn’ scenario play out just because you don’t want to pay an extra $1 in taxes? You cheap bastard you!!!