DorianGay's Replies

....and the truth comes out, you’re an illegal immigrant. Are you African American? Your username sounds quite black to me which would explain your poor grammar and lack of history knowledge. What exactly do you hope to achieve in this thread? To spread communist jibber jabber? It’s a play on words, if you’re not familiar with Dorian Gray then there is no hope for you. Yes and you’re a progressive communist douchebag who walks at gay pride parades.....see I can make baseless claims too. For the 300th time, I’m not a Trump supporter....I’m for building a wall and nationalism. I also believe in gender differences and small government. For someone who tries to come across as an intellectual you sure act stupid. Yes the topic of jeans is definitely a divisive and controversial topic in America, I thought for sure the moderators would have to swoop in and put out this fire (Godzilla sized sarcasm). I’m talking about illegal immigrants who work under the table in this country, who get exploited for dirt cheap and cost us jobs. Sweatshops in dirt poor countries are totally different and actually a good thing, those people need the work. Jesus, use paragraphs you communist dirtbag. Shouldn’t you be peeing on the flag right now and smuggling illegal aliens into your basement? You seem pretty salty, want a tissue? I can’t believe you wasted all that time writing a novel. Like I’m going to read all that jibber jabber. 😂 Believe me, if I could corner one of these dirtball employers who exploits illegal immigrants for financial gain, I would throw them at a third world country to let them rot. Under what definition of “poverty” is this 43% coming from? Not only is that not accurate (about 3-5% are in actual poverty) but America is the only country in the world where poor people are fat. Even the people living in poor government housing have access to clean water and get paychecks from the government for doing nothing. People in America are soooo spoiled. Setting aside your poor grammar and punctuation errors, you don’t provide any links to back up your claims. The reason black unemployment is at an all time low is because Trump cut off welfare to black people who didn’t need it. is a left leaning site and not reliable for figures. It is a fact that Trump Tower was a wiretapped (are you living under a rock?) Obama was the biggest wimp president in the history of the United States, this is a fact. He sent us back 30 years, but Trump should get us back to where we need to be. A) You’re lying, name me worse countries B) You don’t know that, it’s pure speculation C) Racism has to do with skin color, I’m being critical of entire countries filled with all different skin colors. Americans are willing to do dirty jobs, but unlike outsider peasants, they demand more than $2 an hour. We don’t need a bunch of greasy and stinky peasants coming in here to steal jobs away just because $2 an hour is a lot of money compared to getting crumbs in their home countries. Okay, then answer this one simple question. If America is the greatest country on the face of planet earth (which it is) and Mexico + The Middle East are the Worst countries on planet earth (which they are)....then why should we not do everything in our power to keeping the bad seeds of these hellholes far away from US soil? I don’t have time to do your research for you but look up the crime statistics of illegal immigrants, they’re 20 times more likely to murder and rape then then the average citizen. Look up rape statistics in Sweden, it’s no coincidence that rape sky rocketed after they let all those undocumented animals into their country. Why is it stupid? Don’t give me that “it’s too expensive nonsense” because Mark Zuckerberg could easily fork over the money. The people on the left are so incredibly naive that they’ve deluded themselves into thinking that all human beings are equal. If we let the barbarians into the gates then society will crumble. Didn’t they teach you about the collapsing of the Roman Empire? Look it up geez. That’s not that much money, especially when you consider that we are saving our country from third world gang rape. Think of all the young brunettes who won’t have to worry about being kidnapped and murdered by illegal immigrants. Forgot affordable healthcare, our women are being murdered by these animals so that’s more important right now. I’m dead serious, reading subtitles is the equivalent of a teenager texting on their phone while watching a movie. If you’re not giving a movie your full attention then why bother even watching it? Because reading subtitles is for idiots....either you understand another country’s spoken language or you don’t. Reading text on a screen when you’re supposed to be taking in all the imagery is moronic and a stupid way to watch a movie. All foreign movies should be dubbed in English (the official language of planet earth).