MovieChat Forums > AuthenticMovied

AuthenticMovied (23)



Worst republican in congress He is destroying Canada season 3 was the worst. imaginary storylines which will never happen in real life Its a DNC propaganda commercial bankrolled by hollywood liberal elites still salty about shillarys loss far-left trying to draw parallels between the german and trump with insane mental gymnastics Obama literally bombed nations and his failed policies started slavery in Libya but the liberal indoctrination is too damn strong unfortunately you wouldn't be allowed to say this in a fascist regime. unfortunately your indoctrination is too deep now. I wish you well and hope you get out of this propaganda hole yeah the book was much better than the propaganda this series tried to spin to help democrats Probably some DNC operative. blatant propaganda distorting the original material It had great potential based on the original material unfortunately they distorted the book to prop up propaganda serving advertisement for Democrats View all replies >