MovieFan00's Replies

He didn’t save her because she expressed an interest in sex when he wasn’t even around? You guys have such issues with women and sex. It’s fucking scary. Heart in the right place? What? Women who express a desire for sex should die? She wasn’t even promiscuous. Women can’t say they want sex without weirdos wanting them to die an ugly death. You’re vile. It was pretty much stated that he was a deadbeat who wasn’t around for her or their daughter. Given your disturbing posts about women though, it’s no wonder you feel the way you do. Any excuse to blame women, especially if you can throw a sexual insult their way. I didn’t know what incels were back when this thread was made, but I’m learning just how many are on the Internet. Then you haven’t seen many women, but given you sound like a fucked up incel, that’s hardly a shock. You are truly a disturbing person. Stay away from women you creep. She had 5 partners you moron. What a shallow sexist creep you are. You’re an absolute moron and a sexist prat. For having 5 partners? Sad little misogynist. She only had 5 partners 🙄 He was clearly a manipulative bully. Gaslighting a partner is abuse. No she wasn’t. Her husband was a borderline deadbeat dad, who was barely there during their marriage. What exactly did she do wrong? Yet girls/women are disproportionately victims of sexual harassment and assault. Claiming women are treated better than man in every way is an absolute joke, hugely insulting and plain moronic. Lol “the females” and “liberals. Nothing incel related here. Evolution and genetics made men funny? I noticed the complete lack of evidence. Your post makes no sense. The op didn’t put blame on men. He pulled up those complaining about “man bashing”, since misogyny in Hollywood has always been a thing and those men are nowhere to be found during those discussions, unless they’re dismissing it. You continue your “pick me” rant though. That has what to do with my comment? Lol you clearly post on incel sites. How sad. Oh grow up. You’re obsessed with sex. “Sluts” and “good girls”. Talk about a pathetic Madonna/white complex. Because men use it against women. What you’re saying is, men are easier to get. It’s easy to “get” a guy, yet men use this as an excuse to call women sluts. That’s why women deny it. You’re pathetic.