MovieChat Forums > cj3333 > Replies

cj3333's Replies

People get cancer out of the blue all the time, dummy I'm a fan of basketball and a fan of music.... Second this suggestion. Not sure, but that was the movie I thought of too. Cum ON me it you want to live I think I would say they are exactly equal. Seriously. Yep Potato potato potato potato potato potato potato Fucking potato Do you really have to ask? And with that in mind...I say, fuck it, make a new Halloween movie every other year or whatever, like they used to do with the Saw movies. I mean, they already ran the series/mythos into the ground...why not? Have you always been into movies? What kinda stuff you into? Kinda bummer you have to keep stopping and starting movies. I hate having to do that. About the only thing I think I would be interested in seeing would be retro movies, before the digital era. May I ask your age? I was the same way from the ages of about 16-- to about--28. Do you fall into that range? Awesome. You get it. Buffalo 66, huh? I didn't really get that movie, but I miss that era of filmmaking. That's kinda the thing...I watched tons of movies when I was younger, then one day I just kinda felt like I seen it all, ya know? Like at some point you've seen about every plot point, nuance, dramatic twist etc. there is. Everything seems like a slight variation of something else you've seen before. It's also hard for me to read fiction now too, for the same reason. No, the other person gives way more of a shit than I do. I dont type that much. That's pretty good. What was the last movie you saw in theaters? Mine was Deadpool.