HarryShoulder's Replies

He’s not deporting them. He’s moving them within the US, trafficking them further into the US. If he was moving them across the border, he’d be a coyote, human trafficker and a criminal, but send em to blue states… he’s a hero to republicans. proof is in quotations because you’re retarded ass can’t equate that the 74% of republicans in that don’t =/= all Americans. You’re either a troll or the dumbest person on the internet You posted the first internet article, numb-nuts. I used your “proof” along with basic math, reading comprehension and logic to disprove your bullshit, you half-wit. If it was woke, wouldn’t it make him a straight white man? You anti-woke crowd always say straight white men are under attack, but Dahmer was gay. Isn’t the show only characterizing gay men as victims, promiscuous, having aids and in Dahmer’s and Gacy’s case psycho murderers? Haha you think he’s any less smug? If it had teenage girls instead of boys, it’d get criticized from right-wing incels for being “too woke” for it’s body positive message. Regardless of 78, 87 or 89 percent, that doesn’t mean 78% - 89% of Americans want trump to run again, the poll says 78% of REPUBLICANS According to the most recent Gallup poll on party affiliation, 24% of registered voters are Republican, while 30% were Democrats, and 41% were independent. The US population is roughly 330 million people. Around 78 million are under the age of 18 so that’s about 23.6% According to a US census study in 2014 found that roughly 21% of eligible voters aren’t registered to vote. There’s about 5 million felons ineligible to vote. So that’s roughly 45% of the population who can’t/don’t vote. So of that 330 million in the US, 65% or around 215 million vote and even less than that vote Republican. So no 78% of Americans do not want Trump as president. If you go by this poll, most Americans don’t want either Trump or Biden https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3640671-most-americans-dont-want-trump-or-biden-to-run-in-2024-poll/ Tell us you’re gay without saying you’re gay Fuck off, piece of shit Almost every part of Africa was colonized by different countries. Belgium, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy all held different parts at different points. The only two areas that weren’t are modern day Ethiopia and Liberia. Ethiopia is 7th out of the 54 countries in Africa in terms of GDP. Liberia is 43rd. Also, a countries wealth isn’t an indication of civilization. It’s an indication of economic output based on infrastructure and resources. Countries can have bartering systems and still be more civilized than foreign invaders who pillaged, raped and murdered to exploit another country’s resources. Your typical justification for white supremacy is idiotic and inaccurate. She’s American. A country that had laws at one point that allowed subjugation and violence based on the “one drop of negro blood” rule. Our society has always considered her black. You’re just trying to call her white so you can excuse the mistreatment she’s received. It’s not just Michael that hates Toby, when Jim becomes manager he get irritated with him. Also, it’s just a running joke to hate HR at Dunder Mifflin if you’re in management. David Wallace makes a comment to Jim when he’s interviewing for the corporate position about “you’ll love everyone, except we got this one guy in HR” I think that’s a pretty stupid point he was trying to make. Everyone participates with other people’s in their identity all the time. He calls himself Dave Chapelle. If we met and he introduces himself as that and I say “nice to meet you, David” or “nice to meet you, big guy” he’d probably challenge me and say “please, call me Dave”. If I did it routinely, he’d tell me to fuck off. He cheated on his wives multiple times. That’s pretty abhorrent behavior. No, he has an ugly wife, and a daughter he discusses porn with… you know normal stuff. She groomed a 28 year old man? Jesus, you’re retarded. Yeah I thought Walt said “intense high”, but he says “better high which means your customers will pay more.” Also I rewatched Say my Name and I was wrong, Declan and his crew don’t do a pseudo cook, same method as Walt, theirs just isnt as pure and not blue.