jasonbourne033's Replies

you know? I couldn't read your comment, kid. It all seems like a rambling rant making no sense at all. It must be because I don't agree with it, and can't find an adequate response. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, buddy. But I know what the left stands for and how they get there. The fact that you quote Bill Maher speaks of your extreme indoctrination and is irrelevant to the facts I stated. Christian is more than believing Jesus was the savior. The socialism in Venezuela is the cause of the unrest in that nation. Poor living conditions do NOT increase violence. The mentality of the population in that condition, such as catholic Mexicans, may sometimes generate more crime. "More crime" does not involve following the commands of Sura 8:12, etc. Black suburbs are very violent and crime-intense...and I have not seen a "ghetto" in the US other than in socialist areas. Which leads to, you haven't answered my question. Nor have you countered any of my other points. You have yet to provide a single motive for a "right-winger" to kill, and you have yet to provide an example of that that isn't a false statement by leftist media. Read my comment, "They [mainstream media] created a huge public phobia in the east coast about "white supremacists" (and about whites period) and how supposedly they are a huge, violent faction that is responsible for an "oppressive" and "fascist" society and international meddling and also responsible (somehow) for terrorism and mass killings. They create the myth that Republicans and conservatives are "white supremacists" and 'Nazis'." All of which is blatantly false. The right wing stands for freedom and traditional values, and we own firearms because they facilitate doing our duty. Protecting women and children and enforcing freedom. I've already stated the facts about the cause and target of mass killings, and about media censorship and misinformation about those incidents and their causes. I repeat myself, and quote, "Loohohazerz!!" and as I said, quit patronizing. I don't take that too well. “You can't have anti-fascism without fascism first” Your referral to conservatives and the right-wing, thus America as well, as fascists is an indicative of your left-sponsored ignorance. Fascism is a tyrannical dictatorship, the right stands for freedom. Referring to Trump or conservatives as “fascists” is a common but false propaganda scheme used to sway the minds of young people such as you. “Without fascism, there is no Antifa” Antifa is not anti-fascism. Antifa is anti-Christian civilization, although if you want to refer to free Christian civilization as “fascism” well keep blinding yourself. “Without cops killing unarmed black people, there is no BLM.” Again, the mainstream media is bullshitting you. In the media Black and black-onwhite crime (the majority) is minimized, and white-on black crime, and white crime, is extensively reported on. the few incidents of overreaction by LE, which is not a problem, are blown out of proportion when it's a black. About ‘police brutality’ – no such thing. If you constantly engage in (violent) crime, attack police officers, resist arrest and disobey orders ... you might get shot. Or clubbed. You do not have to be armed to be a threat. If you are a criminal, you should be put down however that has to be done. “You're just saying they believe in black supremacy, but of course, you make no attempt to back it up with anything.” BLM is based on the ‘police brutality’ and ‘racism’ bullshit and their purpose is to subvert the traditional Christian values, hence the rampant anti-white discrimination in America. Blacks can do whatever they want, but whites cannot do anything to blacks and police cannot touch blacks. Because whites were the traditional established nation. Also political correctness. I just offered you the chance to talk about blm and fascism specifically. quit patronizin'. you sound like the indoctrinated millennial sitting in his mother's basement that you are. I am leaving this thread because it is too-time consuming to attend to every leftist hater that pops up. I have things to do, you know. I am trying to help you see things, but I really don't give a fuck about what you think. Go ahead, we can have a discussion, that I can actually tend to, and we will see how it goes down. You can talk about fascism, BLM, Ace Ventura, Trump the father of All Evil, Nazism, shootings, whatever you want. if you want to discuss things at leisure, message me. nobody has kicked my teeth in this thread. I've posted complete and thus far irrefuted arguments. I've already shut down several libtards who came here in defense of Nation of Islam. OH. There IS just one more thing, dlancer. You haven't told me what are your "multicultural" experiences are, since you seem to be happy hating America, perhaps you could tell me if you've been anywhere else? Your statements reinforce my point. That's exactly what Vox and Newsweek want you to believe...and those extremely leftist, anti-American, anti-white, pro-Islam sites are full of shit. Actually there's compelling evidence that the Las Vegas shooting was in fact a government operation for the purpose of getting people's emotions behind gun control, and of course the media went crazy making a huge deal about how it's "right-wing white gun owners." Buddy, Venezuela is a * socialist/communist dictatorship *, and I am not sure where you got the idea it is a Christian country, there is Catholicism there, like in mexico. Huge difference. No, conditions never cause violence. There has to be a motive. You keep spouting the bullshit that right-wingers are responsible for violence and Islam is not, I'm not going to keep repeating myself other than to say that what is reported in the media about killers and their motives is false. I have a lot of experience in many different countries, hence I know what the situation actually is that I have seen with my own eyes. Not what the media tells me. Since you're so pro-multiculturalism, what is your multicultural experience?? you know that white stuff? it contains shitloads of dna. I couldn't afford to leave a trail. they own the media and the internet and the minds of the big cities, but they don't own America. 2020 will be the turning point, lets see if the nation survives another couple decades or topples. like I said, quit expostulatin' about nothing. quit expostulatin'. I believe in traditional gender roles. and typically within about 10 meters of where I stand, traditional gender roles occur. So why do you wanna know? you need to come up with a better brain, if your response to a factual statement about modern cinema is a list of random movies. I'm rarely offended. I is calling bullshit on bullshit. not sure what you mean by the last question. If you mean women that aren't feminist, my thoughts are that they are deliciously attractive. you would not last the week in basic training, let alone in the sandbox. get out of your mom's basement and learn what a man's basic duties are, in uniform or out of it, then you can talk. you're complacent. have you no idea of the current world scenario? there are literally 1.4 billion people around the world who believe a book that commands them to kill you and me. some of them actively participate in violence while others stay put and teach their children to hate Jews, Christians, and anybody who isn't their particular religion. the day they declare worldwide jihad is when shit hits the fan. A large part of Europe is overrun by so-called "refugees" and their demographics are rapidly changing. Roaming the streets attacking people, enforcing islamic law/culture and raping women. Several enclaves have been established, a literal invasion. also if I am not mistaken several countries already have muslim leaders if not presidents/PM. Israel is surrounded by Arab countries all of which have attempted multiple times to destroy and massacre it . Not to mention the so-called "Palestinians." "these suicide bombings" - you seem to have no idea of the scale of these stabbings, shootings, bombings, lynchings, clubbings, etc. that happen in Israel, Europe and America on a regular basis. And there are growing, violent groups and populations in the US, and already a few enclaves. there are still many freemen in the US and Israel will never fall. but there's a problem. there has been since the year 622.