johnnm58's Replies

Now it is big time. The liberal gays in Hollywood have ruined everything that use to be good. Yeah, most of them suck and have no talent and same old turn-out of same old shit. The cast is one thing, but that poster is hilarious stupid. Chip would kill his own mother for a new friend. Standards in this country are shrinking. Yes, that's what we do in America. No, Dan, I know Dan's a afterthought. Not about tonight, but just in general. Always play the idol. Just saying, always use your idol. No matter how good you feel that you won't be voted out. Dan was an idiot. Do you mean you know the winner? If someone asked this Questions. "How can you tell if a person is stupid?" Then you know. What, he's never heard of a checklists. HELLO. I did in prison for a while. What a real dope. A broken suitcase and there it goes. POOF! I don't see the hat. Where is it seen? I go along with six of those. Isn't that something, 102, that's special. Sorry I didn't reply earlier but I was busy; I to keep looking at her shirt. You could see a little nip. What year is it? I do you boil hot water? What the hell are shefts?