MovieChat Forums > tsrts > Replies

tsrts's Replies

OJ: Omar Epps Nicole Brown: Amanda Seyfreid Ron Goldman: Rain Wilson Johnny Cochrane : Don Cheadle Marcia Clark: Millie Bobby Brown Judge Ito: Bowen Yang Mark Fulham: Ryan Gosling Bob Shaprio: Zachary Galifinacas Robert Kardashian: Colin Farrell Kris Jenner: Kristen Wiig April 2020 was not better. Weak bro. β€œI was hot, and I spent my time going to parties and hooking up . . . β€œ 😝 πŸ₯Έ 😒 Tribute video: Check it out jus sayin. Dodge M4S. A joint effort of the Dodge Division of Chrysler Motors and PPG Industries, one of the highly sophisticated PPG Pace Cars for the PPG-CART Indy Car World Series, designed on 1981 by Bob Ackerman. Lucky for you. I took a chance, and got burned. 😑 This movie was weird The ending was bad πŸ‘Ž It was snubbed by the Razzies as well. Oscar winner for Best Wackiest Dress award . . .πŸ₯‡ Funny to see a couple months go by between posts on the message board for LOST. Back when LOST was on air, postings on the LOST message board spanned a couple minutes. I doubt he’s ever seen it. πŸ™„ She is featured on almost every SNL skits. Saw Liberace on tv a few years back: Well, that film was almost 40 years ago, so it could be dated. πŸ€” WTH is Ayo? A heck of a lot of those tickets got sold because of the Barbieheimer thing. Bigger than Barbieheimer ?