specterkev's Replies

palpatine was the phantom menace.... Episode one's was bigger and better. I have alot of good memories thanks to it's hype Droids are not alive. But as long as it's memory and programing is intact it does "live". but R4 would lose power after awhile and deactivate untill somone recovered his head lol what more was there for him to do now? He pretty much wiped out the jedi, padme and his "unborn" child were dead,.... he had nothing else to really live his old life for.. he messed up,.. he knew it..but it was too late for him... well to him it was. the remakes of V...uugghh was mad. at the time they filmed ghoulies it was recently obtained from the hollywood heritage society or whatever, the city of LA got it at the time they where filming and they were renovating it around the time they filmed. Don't get me wrong, (I was specter19 on imdb) it's a good show,..but not much like the game. it takes place 20 years later and this dr.fred is son of Ed Edison from the games. the meteor is also in the series. or get day of th tentacle,. on pc,....but. it was recently released on consoles... in weird ed's room,.. his computer, you can play the the first maniac mansion on it lol It's not going to happen get over it Cheers Webster Mr. Belvadere Maniac Mansion There are others but I can't think of any off of the top of my head Of course he did JJ Abrams had a lot of think set up that Rian Johnson be a little two year old that he is pretty much crapped all over those ideas and swept them under the rug just so he can do his own little thing. Hell Simon Pegg pretty much confirm that Rey's parentage was a lot different than what Johnson came up with What are you 12 come on?! Stack being creepy his voice the music was creepy in the stories that were unsolved it could happen to you was what made it creepy to me. I still watch farina's version but it ain't the same but I still enjoy it Worst horror ever? what are you smoking? just because it is not your typical hollywood, twist ending, gory schlockfest .. this movie was great,.. the story was it's strong point and you have to put yourselves in their places to feel the dread they were in..