kittychat309's Replies

Ok I take it all back, it wasn't bad actually. lol I agree she's effortlessly classy and charming. This movie is incredibly boring. Smith and Robbie are on screen too much and their chemistry is flat, with few supporting characters to really mix things up a bit and play off someone else. Just a slow paced boring movie. I didn't read the books but the movie has very lazy writing--"Oh my Pan, Ragnar!" being an example of dialogue that throws vague European myths all in the same mish-mosh pot together. "Gyptists" "Norroway" all such lazy derivatives. I did like the look of the movie and Nicole Kidman looked beautiful, so there's that. I put it on par with the Narnia movies, a book series which I did read as I child but the movie(s) was just off. Maybe "murder" is a bit imprecise but I think it's pretty spot-on. Jim robbed her of the best years of her life to fritter away on a cruise ship that will never arrive at its destination in her lifetime. Definitely was not in her plans and gave her no choice. He somewhat redeemed himself at the end when he offered the medical cryopod. I would've taken it in a hot minute and peaced out; what he did was invasive and creepy. Farrell is much sexier than that Sarandon guy, who was always super creepy to me in every role he played. I really like this movie, including the music and visuals, even the end credits. The casting was great as well, Colin Powell has staying power as an actor and this was the perfect role for him. Great little film. She was very believably menacing in Dredd, totally bought her as a drug kingpin. Her character Ma-ma has a charisma rare in movie villains. It was really melodramatic and overdone, including the swelling music throughout which was very distracting. Acting from Diana's mother was terrible, like the actress knew it was an overwrought piece of garbage. About the only thing I liked was the little British secretary woman--more of her please. Yeah not a fan. ETA i was a little harsh on this film in retrospect. I liked Chris Pine and the twist with Aries at the end. Overall not bad. I felt very sorry for her throughout the movie. She did initially set out on the right path--college courses, getting a job, etc, but caved as the first challenges set in. An elegant classy woman like Jasmine could at the very least have gotten a job in higher-end retail or as a hostess in a fancy restaurant and would've eventually climbed back up in social status, maybe not as high as before but certainly a doctor or lawyer's wife was attainable for her. I didn't like Chili from the get-go as he asked Jasmine a lot of nosy, pushy questions when they first met and wouldn't back off. He seemed like he had a problem respecting boundaries which was consistently reaffirmed throughout the film. I thought he had a dangerous edge and Ginger could do better. That being said, "grease monkeys" make pretty decent money so i didn't see a problem there--I just didn't care for his pushy attitude. This movie was hilarious. This is how i see it, after one viewing (I need to see it again to really be sure): i think Luv tracked K to the upgrade clinic but "the child's" identity was still unclear, so Luv was letting it play out at that point and just observing before making a move. Even a fellow replicant wasn't able to tell that "the memory maker" was Deckerd's daughter, only K was able to put together the pieces much later of the fragmented memory that was hers as a child implanted into him. Maybe most importantly, I'm not sure Deckerd's daughter even knew herself of her own, natural-born origins, as much effort had been made to obscure and misdirect the birth records, aided even more by the Blackout that wiped most records clean a few decades before. I think Luv truly lost track of K When he destroyed Joi's antenna so she could inhabit the emulator permanently (like a portable flash drive) when they went to the ruins of Las Vegas. Luv had been tracking him the entire time through his interactions with Joi, a Wallace product, though I'm sure through other devices as well. Right after K breaks the antenna they cut to a scene of Luv angrily storming off to Madame Joshi's office for their (deadly) confrontation, demanding to know where he is. Her acting is ok but she's a creepy-looking girl. She fits in well in movies like Morgan and American Horror Story, but wasn't buying her in Fantastic Four with the dyed blonde hair. Think her sister is more mainstream material. I don't remember even remotely hearing of this movie, so i guess not advertised/promoted at all? That being said it felt like something that would be straight-to-Netflix. Also, I expected Morgan to do something bigger, like go to a neighboring town and start offing random people. The film felt like it was missing about 20 minutes of exposition. The plot was underdeveloped and you could see that Morgan was probably going to turn bad from a mile away. "I'm starting to feel like myself. Do you feel like yourself, Lee? Or do you feel like something else." Me too this line confirmed Lee was also a hybrid. Chieko made me the most uncomfortable and did the most awkward things, but I felt more sorry for her than anything. I didn't read the book but loved the movie. It seemed more spiritual than religious regardless. I enjoy all sorts of fantastical material, more than most, and don't let any sort of agnostic views I may have interfere with a good story. I agree. I saw this film for the first time today and wondered "Why is this so good?" I found the supper scene fascinating and kept watching from there. I saw Robert Altman directed and was like "ok now I get it." He elevated the material immensely!