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Oscar's Replies

I really hope Han and Chewie feature prominently <3 Ron Howard the Duck Maybe there's a slight timejump at the end of Avengers 4? Even if it's a few weeks, that'd give time for the dust to settle so this can be its own movie, but the events of A4 would still be relevant? [quote] -He'll be outshone by a token female sidekick character who will hog his limelight, make him look stupid and incompetent and make him look like a weak man (this is the most likely scenario)[/quote] Like I said upthread, unlike Han, Obi Wan doesn't have an unknown period of his youth where he could have been stupid and incompetent. He was at the very least a passable Apprentice Jedi in Phantom, and then a flawed mentor but fine Jedi in the following Prequels. I don't think he'll get a solo movie because there's just no way for him to be outshone by a female character whilst still being himself. It happens in things like school reunions, right? If not in real life, then in the world of sitcoms, which is where the Friends live! If they all reunited for Thanksgiving Dinner or something, it could work. Maybe for the first half of the film, we see them all in their individual lives, acting like grownups, and having to overcome obstacles to get to wherever the dinner is being held [*]. When they get there, they could all revert to their "young" personalities. Chandler could at first be going through a midlife crisis, and not be able to tell jokes. Being with his friends again could revive his sarcasm, and he'd say "am I funny again?", and Monica would say "oh honey:) you were NEVER funny:D" Ross and Monica could get stuck in a stalemate headgrip over the last slice of turkey like during the football game, which Joey would steal. Joey could say "How you doin'" to a delivery girl, and then remark that it had been a long time since he'd said those words. [*]Heck, Phoebe still lives in NYC - maybe she now rents the apartment for old time's sake, or maybe she paid like one week's rent so they could hold the dinner there. Or even more Phoebeish, maybe she broke in and acts like she lives there now, and the very end they'll all be chased away by an elderly Trigger! Obi Wan has shown to be fairly level-headed and competent since his early-mid twenties, thanks to the Prequels, so I think a standalone film won't happen for him because his character wouldn't be able to be shown as needing a racial minority, SJW Droid, and a woman to prop him up. If he had a standalone film, he'd be a Strong Male Lead (tm) and we can't have that! That's still a load of nonsense though. At the end of the day we're just animals. Someone's dick doesn't care if a person thinks they have no gender, "nonbinary" people still look male or female. I don't really think her job is on the line. "Orange slices" is too vague/obscure for that. If it was "lemonade" it'd be more obvious. Harry Potter never pointed a wand at Voldy until he'd had three years of magic school, including duelling training, and only survived because the two wands had the same core. Baby!Harry only survived because his mother's sacrifice gave him a "forcefield" against Voldemort. Harry never had the upper hand against Voldemort in their various battles until the final one, and that wasn't really due to skill. It's pointed out numerous times over the series that Harry scrapes through due to luck and more skilled friends. [quote]So are they doomed to being forever single and co-dependent? [/quote] That is the fate of some people, to be fair. We can guess they had a conversation "between the scenes" about his powers. It wouldn't have been interesting to see them sitting there, discussing how the magical things were happening. Well, it might have been if it was a paranormal drama, but it's not, it's a fun film with magical elements. If someone's house/presence causes tennis balls to behave strangely and change the weather, and allows you to levitate, you can assume they have powers. Maybe all the Star Wars movies have been toppling Marvel, and it's just worth pointing out now because of the pedestal Black Panther is put on? I guess if a hotel employee went to random machines and "played" using just that one coin, it'd come out again in a day or two. Hmm I dunno, Star Wars doesn't have the same fatigue that Marvel movies do quite yet. Thanos doesn't kill on a face-to-face basis unless necessary - if he was going to punch you or I, it would be hard enough to knock us out, not take our head off. I think he was using his strength as if Steve was a slightly stronger than normal human, rather than what he is. So of course Cap temporarily had the upper hand. They knew the movie would suck, but they a) assumed no-one would see it b) they were being paid, so they still did what they were asked to the best of their ability c) they probably thought "this will suck, but maybe people will say I was the best one in it" d) actors have pride, and people had got fired before and during the filmmaking process - they made an effort because imagine get fired from THAT film because you suck! Pointless whinging from JJ. Find me a Star Wars fan who doesn't love Leia? It's not that people are "threatened" by Rey, she's just obnoxiously written and overpowered. At least Luke had a good reason for his Jedi powers (inherited from his father, had some training) and his pilot skills (inherited, and the dialogue suggested he flies for fun). He didn't just pick up everything he turned his hand to with no setup. He wouldn't need to be, for there to be two Snokes.