Bekhele's Replies

pretty sure it was consensual. the moment billy tells the story, i was like, how the hell he know he raped her? was he watching bye and lived afterwards? if something this shows established is not everybody is one dimensional good or bad, so i had that thought, what if she just desired some hero D? so i was not surpised no rape was shown on the video footage she just left the office, a bit shaken, but who wouldn't after riding superhero D for 3 hours? :) it was billy who made it rape, because he assumed she loves him deeply,she has got be forced to this. and finally the biggest reveal was simply at the end. when they met becca's reaction was totally not like:" oh no the man who raped me and ruined my life" it was more like: o"h oh, im going to have some serious explanation to tell these guys" ha thx a lot , it dit not exist when posting this you also see his severed head on a spike a bit later in London i'm very confident he wont. movies wich stand the test of time are mostly movies where people got deeply emotionally touched in some kind of way or brought something very new to them in story, viusuals music sound( or both) or unforgettable unique characters. these superhero movies have little to non of that and are a very well crafted formulaic process of easy entertainment, with good marketing managing to flock hordes to the theaters fulfilling there main goal: making tons of money short time these movies are very comparable with fast food. nothing wrong with a bic mac once in a while, if hungry the big mac will do what you desire ,but you're not going to remember your bic mac you ate today in 2 years. a great restaurant meal experience will stick to you longer. 2 decades from now most of these movies nobody ill give a crap about because of the way too formulaic fabricated and rehashed nature in its core. also dont forget by then ,know there will probably exist 50.000 more movies like this . 2 setups: 1 LG 65" ultra HD and the ultimate bad ass logitech Z5500 5.1 surround in front of a kick ass couch wide enough to fit a small family even though its only me an my gf. and in my "cave" 2 samsung ultra hd screens attached to a powerfull pc and kick ass leather office chair, also 5.1 surround. i consciously invested a lot, because i like comfort and most definitely quality botch in sound and visuals. i puke when i see a 480p streaming, just cant stand it. i used to go on a monthly basis to the cinemas, because the extra quality of sound and screen, but alas quality of movies have been down the drain already for quite a while. there where times i saw easily 10-15 great movies a year, now im happy if i can count then on half a hand. im for example not in the category anymore that got hyped up for the 700th superhero in spandex avenger movie any more. cinemas these days are way more then ever dominated with milking dry franchises, rebooting, sequels etc, way to little original ideas, most reason i prefer to watch comfy at home, wich i actually see more series and movies prior to 2005 then new movies. but as long al these fastfood movies keep on making money like crazy, my movie theater visits will remain limited to no perhaps 1-2 a year, a pitty