jacob54311's Posts

I don't really like that song. I don't wanna be buried in a pet semetary. Remember when Mitch McConnell posed in front of that confederate flag. Trump to give state of the union - because Pelosi says he can! favorite Neal diamond song? How do you compromise on a wall? Pelosi knocking it out of the park. Trump using the bully pulpit soon. They finally make a good transformers movie... Sounds like "the Happening" What convinced you that Trump was the one to lead this country? Christmas eve for an aging bachelor. My favorite scene in the movie. Matt Dillon-Haven't seen him in anything in a long time. An actual good transformer movie? You are a very rude person! This is what a gerrymandered district looks like. This is why Dems didn't win more seats. Shalala-Sununu in 2020! Was Charlie autistic? Looks pretty good.