MavKilledGoose's Replies

The best part for me is after they've temporarily resolved who Kate should choose and they're all lovey-dovey together on the beach talking about plans to open up a club in Mexico with Joe in front and Terry in the kitchen. Kate asks what she'll do and the boys says she can do anything she wants. She says she wants to sing, and they encourage her to belt out a tune right then and there. With much fanfare she gets up and begins to sound like a dying cat, but the best part is when Billy Bob turns to Bruce and flatly says, "You can have her." That depends on how you define strict. Eighty-two percent of crime guns in Toronto come from the USofA; stuff slips through the cracks. This type of thing will always happen because laws are intended to reduce anti-social behavior, not abolish it. Most criminals are stupid and impulsive, so laws can be pretty effective. Some are cunning planners. This guy appears to be a planner. Priorities. Trump managed to divert money from the military to the wall, which has been keeping us super-safe. So safe. Democrats just hate America so much they wouldn't let him do the same for pandemic preparedness, so they could crash the economy, murder Americans, and seize power in perpetuity. Religion largely falls in the domain of rational ignorance. From the perspective of narrow self-interest, it's relatively unimportant, which is ironic because one of the few things militants on both sides agree upon is that it's supremely important. A person believes in comforting myths -- so what? No harm is going to befall her (unless she's a Christian Scientist, or holds extremist views). In some respects, the problem is even more insidious: while we might collectively be better off by not taking religion seriously as a society, individuals might be happier as believers. As a result, we can get public policies informed by ancient goat-herder fiction. High income-earners will not be receiving stimulus checks. The ultra-rich/connected will get money from the govt. in other ways -- and a lot more than three grand. Thanks for the heads up. No reply is probably better than another series of non sequiturs. Why should we have to move? What the fuck do Michael Moore and Sean Penn have to do with anything? I never voted for a game show host, or a shitty actor (Reagan), or another shitty actor (Shwarzenegger). What the hell does Venezuela have to do with anything? The model for Bernie supporters has always been Northern Europe. After the coup that ousted democratically elected Chavez, the NYT editorial board said that Chavez should respect the "constitutional" process and step aside. You reside in a cartoonish fantasy world. "The witness described him as average." One witness described him as average. Even still there's a lot of information to go on. We know he's male, so that eliminates females. He's not exceedingly tall or short. He's not old or Black. The witness should also know what Costner's currently wearing. Also, you may see customers every day, but you presumably do not rent out your boss's boat on the down-low. You'd probably get a good look at the guy who's claiming to know how to sail said vessel. "In his mind he blended in. I believe Dennis Burkley had a good three or four inches on Costner so to him he probably didn't consider him above average height." They were about the same height. "Also the reason they went room to room was so they wouldn't draw attention to the investigation." People already knew there was an investigation. The reason for not allowing people to file past is because Pritchard was afraid of television news vans, but that would have been the case anyway because the building was already on lockdown. One of the things Trump's ascendancy exposed was the unprincipled nature of most modern-day conservatives. During the primary in the 2016 cycle, National Review published a special anti-Trump issue. Now many of those contributors are firm supporters, not because they believe in him but because of GOP Inc. As for the hoi polloi on these forums, they're less Machiavellian. Tribal. True-believers. Red-Hatters. Or, less politely, sheeple. They're largely driven by negative partisanship. What are Trump's accomplishments to date? He passed tax cuts for the rich. He's snipped at social services while blowing up the deficit (and that's pre-Coronavirus). One of the few things he's done that wouldn't be expected from establishment candidates is wage a trade war with China. Why are his cultish followers on board? Because his rallies are like religious revivals. He makes them feel good when he berates the media and Democrats. In other words, the cruelty was the point. The Pentagon. I agree in general, however... as I recall there was an incident where he worked on a television show and did it in front of a subordinate in his office. He also called a woman on the phone and was apparently jerking without her permission (which is analogous to flashing). In his latest special he talks about on-going consent, which is probably right, but he doesn't mention the above two incidents. I'd think people should have seen the twist when Keaton's character started blabbing about the Fat Man's underhanded tactics. I rolled my eyes and then belatedly waited for it to play out. The clicks and camera shutters were excessive and served no purpose. Why are they snapping pictures of the mark with one of the scammers? Fraser later appearing with his hair slicked back and Belisa as a smoky-eyed Bond girl... stupid to the extreme. And Keaton never demonstrated his brilliance as a salesman. We saw nothing. The Willy Loman stuff was also unbelievable. The ending was especially weak because the scam would end up HELPING Keaton, pushing him back into teaching. We see him wearing jeans and a crappy sports coat, headed toward some red brick building on a leafy campus. I want ten million dollars -- so what? It was a bunch of nonsense -- rhetorical codswallop for gullible nincompoops. Yes, soldiers watch their buddies die, suffer psychologically for what they've done (and what they could have done). Meanwhile, non-soldiers pick up the limbs of their innocent children. The fact is a lot of soldiers will say they had no idea what they were doing. They were 18 years old and trying to get money for college. Other veterans are not so reflective -- yeah, stick a boot up their ass! And the ending... She decides to kill her soon-to-be-dead boyfriend. Why? He clearly doesn't want to die, and others would evidently happily choose to be sacrificed by their May Queen. Yet, she chooses him. Why? Because she's drugged? Because of an ecstatic religious experience? Mental illness? A combination of all of these things? Inasmuch as this is the case, her choice isn't really a choice, which evacuates it of meaning. If it's because she hates him... then I find that not only unbelievable (as in improperly set up), but it would make her an evil person. The characters are the playthings of the plot, and that could be understandable if it were the point, but it isn't, so it's not. The various arguments in this thread for no guns are pretty weak. Guns can be traced... assuming authorities recover the weapon (or the same weapon was used in a previous crime). Plenty of firearms are used in a crime and then vanish. To say nothing about guns that are purchased illegally. Guns make a loud noise... The whole incident occurs in an isolated location. In any event, if sound is an issue, they could use subsonic rounds in conjunction with a suppressor (and a smaller caliber). Then the problem is jamming, but this is addressed later. Guns are not as scary... Correct: Guns are scarier. But they're trying to make it look like they were killed by lunatics... though more difficult to obtain, plenty of lunatics have guns, especially in the United States. The whole lunacy thing was going to be a stretch because the crimes are confined to this time and place, whereas lunatics do not stop until they're killed or captured. The phones will also show a record of outgoing calls and text attempts, so investigators might deduce that a jammer was used. Lunatics do not often work together, and they do not have the foresight to use a jammer. Also, just because they have guns doesn't mean they have to fire them. A mansion like this has many points of exit, but as far as I remember, people either left out the front door, or a window. They'd need guns to chase after escapees. Crossbows are too cumbersome and difficult to reload. The best explanation for what happened is that it's a movie. From a site claiming 18 things you didn't know about The Departed: <b>12. There Was a "Basketball Diaries" BrotherhoodDiCaprio said that knowing Wahlberg since their time working together on 1995's "Basketball Diaries" (pictured) made it easier to "rough each other up" in some scenes. "Although he is a big dude," said the actor of Wahlberg. "No joke. As much as I tried to work out and make myself hard-core for this film, that's a solid man." </b> Weight often matters more than height, as reflected in combat sports. The elevator scene is fantastic, and it's great that DiCaprio eats it. I do agree Damon's death goes too far. There was no Dignam character in the Hong Kong original, so Damon's counterpart had to live with the guilt and dishonor, which works really well for that cultural milieu. Americans require blood vengeance, so that's what we got, and it's pretty silly. The Hollywood version was superior in every respect except for this final story turn. Reynolds is a charismatic lead, and it's written by the heroes from Deadpool (and Zombieland). The Rock is an excellent action movie directed by Michael Bay. However, he had Bruckheimer looking over his shoulder. The super-producer also paid the money for a crackerjack script (with uncredited re-writes from Sorkin, Tarantino, and others). Given the freedom to do as he pleases, Michael Bay seems to typically make dumb choices. That said, I'm definitely going to watch it. I'll start a Netflix subscription soon just to watch The Irishman. You've beclowned yourself. The General didn't know he was with a "male" until after the pictures were shown to him. As someone earlier noted, we have every reason to believe the ugly masculinized form captured in the blackmail photo still had a tight meat-sleeve. The situation is much closer to one where a guy I know said he was at a bar, and he thought a girl was giving him a blow-job under the table. The best blow-job he's ever had. Later he learned it was a dude.