MovieChat Forums > Babyfat101

Babyfat101 (221)


Bad teeth Epi where Charles first meets Camilla Why is everyone sweating so much? How many kids is that loser teacher wanting to adopt? (Season 3) Looks awful Any predictions as to the winner? Stinking of cigs and BO Super lame compared to the first one Why doesn’t she float/elevate more? This looks awful View all posts >


You need to be spoon fed? I suggest Disney films. I agree with know in the first 2 minutes (or less) that it’s a suicide. Nothing is being spoiled. Watching this film again, and I can’t stop looking at her unusually large, pouty lips. I’m with movie80...Unbearable. Quasi - ha. Great reference...The Kiss. I’m on Team She Looks Like a Fish Out of Water. Thanks for the smile. Needed more of Wonder Woman, in a Wonder Woman movie? Decade? Pension? Don’t think so.’s awful. We’ve been laughing at it, and probably won’t watch the next. Yeah. Starving + extreme plastic surgery (especially the skin under the chin). View all replies >