calista flockheart..

totally rocked this movie
i loved the part where she tells the story of how she and her girl met
also liked the detective and her blind sister, but calista...yeah
(sorry, sort of useless post, i just watched the movie and needed to share my enthusiasm)


I watched this film mainly to see Glenn Close, who is always outstanding, but Calista opened my eyes to a talent I had never appreciated before. "Ally McBeal" made me cringe the few times I was able to watch it, but Calista is simply amazing here. She can read my palms anytime – and remember, you need to read both!


She needs to eat a couple cheeseburgers!




Yeah, she and Cameron Diaz really showed me something in this movie. The acting was excellent across the board, but those two I saw in a new light. The great acting wasn't enough to save this movie though. Blech.


I agree. WOW- I thought Cameron Diaz was very good, and Calista was excellent..makes me wonder why these two haven't picked better roles in their careers (especially if they can act like this. I disagree about the movie howeverl
thought this was very thought provoking.



Flockhart's grotesque plastic surgery always takes me out of her phony, egocentric performances. It's never Calista playing a character. It's always Calista projecting Calista onto a character. Her acting is about as subtle as a sledgehammer, and you always sense she watches herself in a mirror and checks all her lighting angles and gestures obsessively before she allows the cameras to roll.

I never understand why she made it in Hollywood & got her own TV show. Allie McBeal was popular, so I realize I'm in the minority. In interviews, her overt narcissism & galaxy sized ego puts me off. She really does think she's the queen of the world.

To reinforce it, she bagged Harrison Ford -- who is not exactly Mr. Humility either. Must be fun having dinner with those two.


What plastic surgery?


Watching this film again, and I can’t stop looking at her unusually large, pouty lips.


I often find Calista a technically gifted actress but also rather stiff and mannered, but I loved her performance here. I disliked her on "Ally McBeal" but she was lovely and warm here.

I also loved the cast, especially so many underappreciated actors in new role, especially Sandoval as a romantic lead, and Hines as someone so warm and elegant yet remote.

I loved Diaz (and I normally don't) but she was poignant and genuinely interesting and noteworthy as the blind sister. The moment in the elevator with her former lover was devastating.

A lovely and underappreciated film..

I keep thinking I'm a grownup, but I'm not.


Completely agree on all counts. Garcia works with talented actors, but also seems to get more out of actors who appear to have mediocre acting talent in other films.
