ElSofoque's Replies

done done She had a minimal role in Endgame because the Russo Brothers didn't want her in it. Captain Marvel is the future of the MCU, she didn't need to take over right now. That comes later. Gotta make Captain Marvel look strong! Because the goal for them is to become as unappealing to men as possible in order to battle "the male gaze" and what they perceive as "female objectification". Feminism: the idea that in order to reach equality women must look and act like men. Shew will never be as big as Beyoncé either. "When the film does that, it's actually ANTI-feminist, because it's HIGHLIGHTING their gender, and in so doing, marginalizing with damning praise." By that logic the very term feminist is anti-feminist because it is highlighting gender. Makes no sense. Arya won’t kill her, Mountain will kill Arya Mountain will kill Arya which in turn will anger The Hound and lead him to kill the Mountain. source? She's amazing isn't she? True, others like Emma Stone and Brie Larson have eclipsed Lawrence as well but Margot fit more with the classic Hollywood blonde look that Lawrence used to fill as the IT girl of the moment. Margot has replaced her. Nice excuse. It is not like she has films with high profile directors lined up. She is just average in every way. Once the honeymoon period and the novelty of her being "down to earth" or whatever passed people moved on. She lacks the talent to excel as an actress long term and is neither very hot nor interesting as a personality to keep people interested in her. She just lacks what is commonly referred to as the "IT" factor. In how many movies has this happened? Any more examples? Movies where actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Mia Wasikowska, Scarlett Johansson, Vera Farmiga, Cate Blanchett or Meryl Streep are the lead (for example) do not present them as tom boys. Yes Rebecca was on a completely different level as Mystique. Way better than Jennifer. She is incredibly overrated in the looks department. Just look at her without makeup: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/uploads/2015/09/k8cc3-scarlett-no-makeup-final.jpg Very average and she doesn't looks very good from the side either: https://stylesatlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Scarlett-Johansson-without-makeup2.jpg How she has managed to made it into most beautiful lists I will never understand.