blue1981's Replies

It was concept for a movie that could really only be done in the 80s or 90s. If you've never seen the movie I'd say watch it. Freddy's is better. I went back to theaters in July and to that point Rise of Skywalker was the last movie I saw in theaters right around Christmas. Coastal Elites don't care about me in the middle of the country and these picks prove that. We all know she's the real presidential pick as Biden isn't capable of finishing one term. Welfare is reparations and its cost trillions since the 60s. Whatever else they want is just more taxes by demonizing whites and the rich. Whatever that bitch hates my guts for my gender and skin color. Just like the entire Democratic party who would rather see me dead than prosper in America. Isn't her record horrendous in jailing innocent black men? You mean Biden's handlers picked their actual presidental pick. Good luck with that on the Dem's lawlessness platform. I saw one video where he rant about it being Americans fault for movie theaters being closed when we all know the government is to blame for collapsing the economy over Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's not my fault California is run by Communists. I'm not going to watch the movie but I'll sum it up for you. The Democrats want to continue to exploit the problem in their quest for power, the Republicans want to secure our borders and preserve the sovereignty of country. Okay, I'd say just shut up and enjoy the brilliant score by Maurice Jarre. LOL, good one!!! Are you referring to Katherine Isabel? She's beautiful and I wish that was her in the shower scene. The only people who had a problem with beating off too much were the dudes in his office. Its a noble idea and I hope it can be successful. Not only is it important to create stories promoting traditional values, its almost important to showcase proper gender roles. I just think the whole idea of 40 Days and 40 Nights wouldn't be a big deal when there are corners of the internet devoted to the benefits of No Fap. Well its just my opinion. I always liked it for being different from a typical Rom-Com. It's part of the Anti-White or White Guilt platform of the radical left in America.