blue1981's Replies

Shave my legs once a week. I like the feeling of it and it helps stay cool in the summer. It's still summer and don't get why anyone would have a full beard this time of year as its just too damn hot. I don't mind the five o' clock shadow look on occasion but I still shave a couple of times a week and no I don't look like a 12-year old boy. I saw it as a kid and loved it. Yes its darker for a Robin Hood but I think that's what makes it a unique adaption. I'd say maybe in the 80s or 90s your post might be true but I don't think it has the same influence today. Yes I often watch Christmas movies throughout the year. Also due to the current state of the world I have been watching a lot of escapist and feelgood entertainment. Strongly Disagree, this was my favorite movie the year it was released. "I Don't know Boys but they look pretty god damn sweet to me" One of my favorite comedies that was made in the 90s that still makes me laugh today. Keith David is awesome in his supporting role. It's an excellent Father/Son story and it has one of the best endings for a trilogy in movie history. Yes Crystal Skull exists but I still like to think Last Crusade is the perfect sendoff to Indiana Jones. I like going to a baseball game a few times a year during the season. I won't spend $8-10 for a beer but they have the best nachos. Yeah if you count Katherine Heigel when the show started but you're right the SJW stuff is nauseating. I remember when it started and I was in my last year of college. What else is their left to say when all the characters have fucked one another. There are a few theaters open in my area and I hope the movie will be shown there. I'd rather support them right now than watch it on VOD. Grey's Anatomy is dumb. Seasons 1 and 2 are going to Netflix first starting August 28th, after that season 3 doesn't have a premiere date yet. If a vaccine is backed by Bill Gates I refuse to be injected by that poison. For it being inspired by the variety shows that were very popular in the 70s I enjoyed it a lot. It's better than any shit Star Wars movie put out by Disney. Well I liked the new characters and what they brought in by the later seasons that's why they are ranked higher. 1,3,2,4,7,9,8,5,6 My ranking is based on the phases of the show. The high school years were still the best. I actually liked seasons 7-9 better once Peyton and Lucas left. I thought 5 and 6 were boring and really offered nothing compelling to the series.