kellycallie's Replies

No but her Mother is abusive to her though, it was not shown in the film but it was hinted in the way Nina behaves with her Mom. There is a passive aggressive vibe in certain scenes (the ''cake'' scene most notably) where the Mother is showing her hostility towards her daughter. It actually bleeds over in the scene where as in others it's bottled up. I get the impression there was a fair bit of physical abuse when Nina was younger. Even physical abuse as an adult. Her Mother was also ''arresting'' her emotional and sexual development. She tried to keep her at the emotional age of about 12. Also some jealousy, my guess is that Nina was about 23 and the Mother in her early 50's and was jealous of her daughters career and youth. A career the Mother once had but never the talent or the success to her Daughters level. And I miss ''Oz'' but these times aren't coming back. The Chi has inconsistent talent, there are wooden actors in main roles and convincing actors in walk on roles. Watching the first episode of season 2 the most impressive actors showed up at the end playing the men robbing the old woman's home and beating her. They had a small part with little dialogue but their body language and intensity was excellent. That is what acting is about. I get the feeling the role was actually intended for megan fox... Actually their first kid was white. Only their other two- Sandra and her brother looked mixed race. Hmmn. Also I should say there was no DNA or genetic testing back then and Sandra's Mother worked alone in their shop frequently. Surprise Surprise. No socialized, universal and single payer are all entirely different systems. We do not have a two tier system in Canada. I am from a wealthy family and a parotid gland cancer survivor when I was 19. I was treated at the Princess Margaret hospital in Toronto. There were no ''wait times''. You Americans have your heads right up your ass. Hope your pet negroes have another big riot. No we have single payer. Socialized medicine is like the U.K NHS. Hospitals are not government owned in Canada and there is no prescription drug coverage dental or vision in provincial healthcare. You Americans don't know too much about the world do you? It does not stop crime because people get a release. It lowers crime because they're simply eliminating lower income people and the social problems that occur in their neighbourhoods resulting in crime. The second film explains that it's simply an excuse to kill the poor and the government officials are actively involved in their execution. Canada is not socialist. Healthcare is not a mess, if it was we would vote it out. What you hear about Canada in your country is a myth and the United States is the real welfare state. Things like ''EBT'' do not exist in Canada. We actually have one of the most competitive economies in the world. Funny, we in Canada sent relief to New Orleans including divers and outreach workers when you did not. When has the U.S ever helped us? Never. I'm sorry you Americans are incapable of showing compassion in the same way to children out on the street with their families. Let me guess, they should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, right? but the sweet little fetuses must be ''saved''. The interest only evaporates as soon as its born.. then it's ''not my problem''. A zygote can not ''kick''. Prettiest actress in Hollywood right now. Yes it makes the U.S seem like a theocracy from the outside. Don't worry though, it is not actually the case. Big secular corporations are more in control of the U.S than big religious entities. Still the Christian population is yappy. Most fetuses are snuffed out in the first two months of pregnancy. Late term abortion is rare and nearly always medical. It's hard to tell what was poor social skills and what was reading from a script as the show was so scripted. She seemed a bit ''slow'' upstairs if anything even more so then Kim. She talked especially.. slow. He is a very pathetic character. He has been for years. He was always mentally ill - borderline personality or bipolar but in the mid 2000's he put on his pants and stood up tall. He released great music back then and behaved like a man. He seems to have reverted back to a child these days. What the? She can not act worth a damn. She was one of the worst thing about the lovely bones who was eclipsed in the scenes with Stanley Tucci a real actor. I gave her another chance in ''Brooklyn'' but she still sucked. Why do people think she's talented? she has the acting style and level of someone who works on a netflix drama. Have to keep those ''African Americans'' happy or they riot. Aren't you Americans ever tired of pacifying these entitled brats? Giving them awards, EBT and rent free apartment units. Kick em out. Thought exactly the same thing. A biracial version of Audrey Hepburn both in facial bone structure and build. She has the same lean and elegant figure too. This was not a Christian film - it had a budget if you hadn't noticed. I see the film as more having ''religious elements'' (annoyingly inserted in certain scenes) but otherwise it was a hollywood film that featured teens in skimpy outfits.