hootiehome's Replies

Didn’t count, but I would around seven songs. Neighbor Lawrence. I never met him. But, my buddy fit him for his flight gear for Maverick. He said he was perfectly nice and professional. A new contestant has entered the arena: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/4/43/Galadriel_in_Lindon_-_The_Rings_of_Power.png/revision/latest?cb=20220904205002 Damn, sorry about that. I need read better. don't get me wrong, i loved Maverick. i served in Naval Aviation for 24 years. they filmed some scenes at my last duty station. somehow i am more excited for the next Mission Impossible movies. what i have learned later in life is that sometimes there is a difference between favorite and best. when i was growing up Jim Carrey was my favorite actor. but i knew he wasn't the best actor. LotR is my favorite movie. but the best movie i've ever seen is Children of Men. and if this the only 2022 movie you've seen, it's also your least favorite. maybe you should title it "favorite" instead of "best" then. tastes implies one is being more subjective than objective. The World Wide Web is… world wide. English is not everybody’s first language. Stop make the rest of us seem like asses. It was okay. Not as good as episodes six and ten, but those are hard to top. Close victory to Gal. Awesome!! Thanks for sharing. I didn't think to see if there was a scene back there. I jokingly told my daughter that perhaps these components were for the Death Star. I am not sure if he has been working with the same casting directors for most of is projects. But I do find that I enjoy his writing about fictional characters more then real life ones. There can be a thing as "too Sorkin". Even though I love it, The Newsroom comes to mind. And my favorite that he wrote, The Social Network, was "de-Sorkinized" from collaboration with Fincher. Serkis was so good. Yes to all of this. I feel like the previous three SW shows have made viewers skeptical of this one. The show runners for Andor care and you can tell. Yes. Great character writing and the performances to bring then to life. Skarsgard is almost like a cheat code. Good at every role. Oh, it’s not done. Only 10 of 12 episodes have dropped. Also really enjoying it. They are taking their time and really fleshing this one out. The performances of Fiona Shaw and Stellan Skarsgard have been amazing. 99% agree. A Few Good Men is an all timer. Tom played the character perfectly. He had to have a touch of arrogance, yet still be likable. One thing about the Oscars. A few years ago I decided to watch all ten best picture nominees. And loved nine of them. I was surprised. I don't feel like it was "earned" however. I like the show overall, but this "ah-ha" moment did not work for me.