Overanalyzer's Replies

Let's see - He follows some unseen rules to the letter, disregarding the safety of others when for example his alarm goes off. He is seemingly superhuman compared to all others while fighting the monsters. He says nothing to anyone I would guess the idea behind this setting is that The Janitor is supposed to be a player-controlled character and the others are NPCs in a computer game. The inspiration behind the movie is also a game, so shouldn't be too far fetched. Also, were there ever any mention about armoring between his face and brain(however that would fit)? Regular small arms fire under his visor should do the trick, yet they talk about 50 cal but still to the head area Yep, saddest scene in a Marvel movie imo. They were so friendly, innocent and helpless. The panicked repeated yelling from Floor: "Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now" was really heartbreaking. I would have been far less affected by for example the horde of nameless children from the ship being killed off, than by the scene with these three creatures I agree, I was expecting the same thing Breslin from "Escape Plan" would be a good candidate My interpretation below, as far as I understand <spoiler> Her opening of the new stub created a diverging timeline from about the moment she devised the plan. There was no transfer needed to the "new" Flynne because she is an exact copy, with the same history. Meaning the "new" Flynne got the data the moment she downloaded it together with Aelita in the beginning of the season. You can view it as two different plotlines: One takes place in the original stub, where everything happens exactly like in the series up to and including Flynne getting shot and dying. After that all other characters will go on, grieving her and continuing their lives. In the other plotline, everything happens like in the series up to the part where Flynne devises her plan but then in some way finds out she does not need to go along with it because the RI has now lost the ability to influence her stub(since it branched off and is now a new stub). She doesn't have to involve Conner in her assassination in this plotline but can instead focus on going forward with her revenge. I see Season 1 as the telling of the first plotline, so this season ended with Flynne sacrificing herself to save the others. Season 2 will then be following up on the other timeline, the "what if Flynne didn't have to sacrifice herself" plotline. An article I followed which is in line with my thinking: https://screenrant.com/why-flynne-survived-death-peripheral-finale/ </spoiler> Although, that would mean he needs to consider beforehand to actually set foot on the island. He only grudgingly accepted just flying over the island for the cash. Also he would probably assume the boy must surely have perished already, having been stranded on dino island for several weeks Yeah, I also reacted to that sound. Thought I must have misheard but maybe not then.. Don't know about that, since I don't really get the concept of jealousy.. Plus I agree, we humans are in many cases dumb primitive apes ^^ To each his own I guess ;) She poked a sword through his body, he fell down into the empty pool and died. I guess that counts as killing him no? Speaking about the biological father if there is any confusion on that part. As far as I understood, they located her when she visited the old burnt out house. She had some type of shrine there, maybe visited it before? If they found the shrine, guessed it was hers and kept a lookout there, it would make sense. She also heard someone in there before leaving. When it comes to the other point, I agree. Many other plotholes aswell ^^ Don't go around calling people 'braindead' over their taste in movies, it's bad for your karma.. As for number 7, dust explosions are a thing. Check up grain elevator explosions for example. It could be discussed, however, if the fans could spread it finely enough in the probably wet air. Another issue is how the fans got electrity after the transformer was shot out. 12. When you find out assassins are after you, wait until you have talked to the assassins before you try to warn the kid you invited to paint your apartment. 13. After assassins search through the apartment you are in, immediately get out of your hiding place when you think they have left. I guess the implications are easier to see if you know about them beforehand, from reading the books. Although, I have problems understanding why they would even think about any difference from sending in soldiers with the team, what could it possibly change? Did they also try sending all-blonde, all-midgets etc? Besides, this team was mixed anyway, considering the main character was ex-military ^^