Mulletor's Replies

Wait a second. You just told us how intelligent you are. The body going over the cliff scene should have won it some awards. Great effect. I second season 10 being a relatively safe cutoff for quality of episodes vs time spent watching The truck driver had to shit...that's why he was driving so fast. I found a copy recently and watched The Changeling last night. I was expecting something with a decent eeriness like "The Sentinel" but instead got this boring dud. Apparently nothing makes sense to this guy. heh ...and 9/11 was a conspiracy. I'm going to need to track down a copy of this movie. The only time I watched it was back in the mid 90s when our substitute teacher showed it to us over the course of two days. I can't imagine this being shown to a bunch of 13 year olds in school now, or the substitute teacher keeping their job afterwards. In Southeast Asia we'd call this type of thing "bad karma". Sure thing, Bud I'd pass on that too. Rollerball was just a stinker of a movie. I'm sure if they had access to the same sound stage they faked the moon landing with Planet Of The Apes would have turned out better Randy Quaid. I've seen this movie so many times I don't need to even turn it on anymore. It just starts playing in my head on command. "Hey you, get back here!" Heh. Sadly the title "My Pet Monster" was already taken and they shelved the idea. Don't speak ill of Emilio Estevez like that. "Too old for porn"? 🤨 Back To The Future IV: Citizens On Patrol