MovieChat Forums > Foster > Replies

Foster's Replies

He pretty much is always whiney at some point in ecery movie I remember another guy who was totally obsessed with Jodie and tried to kill Reagon to get her attention ,,,, I believe he just got out of the nut house The only point you have made is at the top of your head YOU have proven yourself to be the BIGGEST racist on this board SHE has always been a cutie and a hottie AND somewhat talented --- IMHO YAWN I tend to agree--- After Spy game somehow he became a star, instead of an actor --- BUT I'd say he got it back for Money Ball, then lost it again till Fury, then lost it again till Once Upon a Time--- It comes and goes with him Alec Baldwin on the other hand gave up acting to be a star after that movie with Hopkins then NEVER got it back Yeah didn't age well??? They have been making sequels and remakes ever since THANK YOU ----- FINALLY someone who believe as I do that THIS Sean Penns high water maek THIS was Sean Penns high water mark In 1967 @ the age of 12, I entered what we called "Junior High School" the 7th grade --- In 1970 I went into the 10th grade and that was considered "High School" until 1973 when I graduated--- I understand that NOW they start Jr High at 6th grade and call it Middle school I'd say 12 is a transition year for kids of both sex s---- Guys get their 1st hard-on Girls get their 1st period, yeah I probably started to stop playing with toys like trucks and playing Army at 12,--- just went on to other things This post proving that now-a-days you don't have to go far to find someone B&M, about some "Social Justice" or Equity BS should change thye the names to just "ENVY" To each their own --- That's why they make other movies Well there are only 2 kids more than a couple years apart ---- The Baby of the family always gets more attention , love physical things Yeah --- But I always thought this was the better performance It has been remade a couple times---- I don't believe you have the caliber of actors today(2023) as in 1958 Burl Ives, Jack Carson, Liz, and Paul ---- She's still a hottie I guess Billions doesn't pay enough Exactly ---