MovieChat Forums > fzane > Replies

fzane's Replies

wrong. mary sue can do anything i remember watching it in the theater and being almost bored. however, when i watched it years later, it really effected me in a profound way. maybe it's one of those movies you have to grow-up to appreciate? I agree. I got Al Pacino vibes from her! She took a 6/10 movie, and turned it into an 8/10! yep, this one was a total gem! maybe the card numbers were in the bag too? Right on, thanks you! Yeah, i was sooo ready to rate this movie a 10/10 on imdb, but when those last 15 minutes hit, I was so bummed out, I could only come here and vent. I won't even rate it now, but if I did, i guess it would be like 6/10. That ending really blew it for me. I agree with everything you said. I know the movie is supposed to be about a pacifist couple not being able to react, but I would have rather seen a dramatic transformation into an utterly violent couple. Here is how I would have had the last 15 minutes go: Bjorn tells his wife that they killed Abel, plan to kill them too, and it's time to leave. All the same sequences until the "stopping for a piss" scene happen as they did in the movie. However, instead of just looking at the keys, Bjorn grabs the key out of the ignition, turns around, and stabs that cunt multiple times right in her juggler with it! After that, Patrick grabs Bjorn out of the car, and beats him nearly unconscious. But, just before Patrick can deal the death blow, Bjorn's wife jams the scissors into his back! He turns around, and starts wailing on Bjorn's wife, but she is able to kick him in the nuts, and runs away with the daughter. Patrick is hobbling after them, and eventually starts gaining on them, but he hears the rev of an engine behind him. He turns around just in time to see Bjorn behind the wheel with the most pissed off look you could imagine. The car hits Patrick, and he flips up, and crashes into the windshield. Bjorn thinks he has won, and so gets out to walk toward his wife and daughter. Suddenly, the babysitter driving his truck comes out of nowhere, and aims for Bjorn, but mostly misses him. Bjorn is injured though; the truck ran over his left foot. The babysitter gets out, and starts to come at Bjorn who literally freaks out screaming "come on mutherfucker!!!" The babysitter thinks he has the upper hand, but Bjorn is in beast mode now. He has fully transformed, and is no longer a pacifist. He puts the babysitter into a headlock, and holds on until the babysitter passes out. Finally, he gets into the babysitter's truck, and proceeds to back up over his head, looking out the window, as the babysitter's skull is crushed and blood spurts up onto Bjorn's face. Bjorn is adorned with a look of both rage, insanity, and joy all in one. agreed, Moonfall is a very fun ride, and waaay better than that stupid woke predator movie which has imdb of 7.2. Hmm. I think they didn’t have the drone at first (it was inside the backpack that fell down on the antennas). And then they needed the one remaining phone to control the drone. Hmm. I think they didn’t have the drone at first (it was inside the backpack that fell down on the antennas). And then they needed the one remaining phone to control the drone. absolutely loved it! it had hereditary vibes! part of the rules of the movie were that a decapitated one cannot come back if you shoot their heart full of wood pieces. he did shoot her in the heart first with his "wood infused" bullets, then she decapitated herself when she ran into the wire. reddit is for faggots who lock threads. threads should "never" be locked. Will kept accusing Hannibal of the murders, and Dr Bloom felt that was a character assassination of her since she trusted Hannibal for her entire career. She was in hardcore denial. I mean what sort of psychiatrist worth their salt cannot detect a serial killer right under their nose? :-) Also, women are weird in that most of them are vindictive, ruthless, and ruled by emotions. Dana was retaliating at Will by trying to make him jealous, and prove him wrong about Hannibal at the same time. My reason for disliking the movie had nothing to do with her gender. It had to do with how her character was written. I would hate this movie if it was a male lead that acted this way. It had to do with the fact she was extremely selfish, obnoxious, petulant and did not care about the well being of her tribe or fellow tribe members. Now let’s get into some details on her lack of care for her tribe. Here is proof that she was selfish, petulant, defiant and didn’t care if members of her tribe died as long as she could prove them wrong. When they found the injured brave that was tore up by the Lion she is the only one who knows medicine. If she cared about the tribe her priority would be to help her people. Especially if they are hurt. When her brother and another brave decide to track the Lion and the rest need to take the injured brave back to camp she starts whining about wanting to hunt because she can. Screw the injured brave. Let him die as long as I can prove myself. The thing is they could have easily made her such a great lead using her tracking and medicine abilities with a team effort. Even if she is the last one standing and serves the killing blow. Instead we got Rey with a tomahawk on rope rather than a lightsaber who didn’t care about anyone but herself and her selfish desire to prove she could hunt no matter who she hurt in the process. It was her fault the braves died that went after her when she went off alone. It was her fault her brother was captured and ultimately killed by the predator. She put them all in that situation with her selfishness. And for some reason it’s always female leads that are portrayed this way. they'll probably show the rock get his ass kicked by the predator, but in the end a blind handicapped black man in a wheelchair will defeat the predator with the help of his transgendered granddaughter. yes, people are dying from the vax. here's some examples: you're forgetting that they have all the predator's weapons, and also have mary sue who can easily take out any enemy tribes no problemo. ugh, maybe you missed it, but mary sue also took out an entire camp of men one after the other.