BlockBusted's Replies

Yeah... how did that go for 'Morbius'? Did you forget about 'Ghostbusters: Answer the Call'? Your attempt to move a goalpost has failed - dismally. You said that this film was pandering to China and when I told you why that's false, you're resulting to this kind of question. My reaction to this thread: So just because they share some cultural similarities, it's inspired by Chinese culture? Do you not realize how retarded you sound right now? Umm... what? What kind of rebuttal is this? If that's actually true, then we would've seen some China-influenced elements in this film, but we didn't, maybe except for Vietnamese cultural aspects since that country is culturally closer to China, South Korea, and Japan than its neighboring Southeast Asian countries. Missing what point? This person is saying things that aren't even remotely true. Not exactly. They simply brought back everyone who got dusted. These anti-SJW people are actually getting far worse than people that they're against. That logic sounds like it's coming from someone who regularly watches Friedberg/Seltzer travesties. Germany and Austria literally speak the very same language and come from a very similar cultural background. Southeast Asian countries speak very different languages from each other AND come from a very different cultural background that is not even related to China, except for Vietnam, which is culturally closer to East Asia than Southeast Asia to begin with. Apparently, Infinity Stone-based "events" can't be reversed. Like, are they going to pull off that BS if Pixar or Disney makes a film about Korea or Japan? The production team specifically focused on countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and so on. They didn't take South China into a consideration - like, at all. And seriously, what about this film was even pandering to China? Are you sure you're not confusing this with 'Mulan'? It is. China has nothing to do with this film - like, at all. What a clueless buffoon you truly are. This film was inspired by Southeast Asian culture, not Chinese culture. I know you won't reply to this, but this comment is so idiotic to a point where I don't know where to even begin. Like somebody has pointed it out, if they made real life setting into a live-action, it could've ended up like 'Osmosis Jones' or it might've looked like emotion characters were ACTUALLY controlling Riley. And I have to ask, why are you so obsessed with mundanity of life? If that's all you care about when you're watching films, then the problem is more likely to be with you, and not the film. Case in point, ‘Peter Rabbit’. >Worst trailer I've seen since the first trailer of Ghostbusters(2016),plus it looks kiddie Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... I stopped reading.