Moonglum9's Posts

Where is the Doomsayer? Was Mr. Miyagi Yoda in a past life? I am not a gay fish! It's bad enough that I see Trump's Seussian face on here every day If Sam ever returned to his present I guess I'll be cancelling Starz Can the company that owns the rights to this show please change the title? I only remember one thing from this movie. Who holds the record for the world's smelliest bottom burp? KUH-KUH-KUH-CLOWNS! Sheriff Rick and little Carl walking down the road hand in hand Them Shrews, Them Shrews! Reboot news Whatchu tawkin' bout The greatest band in the history of history. Another great movie that doesn't just follow the standard Hollywood patterns Was this her best movie since the Twilight movies? They need to make more movies like this After defeating the Hand