mitzibishi's Replies People build up easy karma from reposting photos in r/funny for example and sell them off. Marketing companies buy them or farm their own. Same thing with imdb except you didnt have to build up karma. Its well known voting was bombarded but the infiltration on boards with PR shills was just as heavy for new films, not just super hero films like JL but new releases in general from big studios. And it was actually rife with shills. Case and point look at Reddit. Accounts are bought and sold. Amazing, pat the cartoon makers on the back. Before Star Wars became Disney, Star Wars already became Disney. In the OG trilogy the ships designs were cool AF and distinctive. Prequels were lame, cant think of a single ship design, In this the video linked the distinction was the "baddy" ship talked like a dumb robot and turned its head mid flight, maybe to talk to a ship next to it. Why would it do that, 1s and 0s over radio would have done just as well and faster. Its just dopey. Agreed, of the 8, ANH No so why say "Everybody objects to recycling the ANH story" Everybody means MAJORITY. ALL. EVERYBODY. Only the small MINORITY objects to having nostalgic elements. "Again you are just pointing out minor details" ok humour me. "instead of a smuggler we have storm trooper" Thats a pretty big detail. Next. "they both underwent the same character arc they just changed their occupation" And Luke changed from a simple farmboy to the hero to the rebellion and then a Jedi knight. Change of occupation. So we are calling Hans character arc the same as Lukes because they changed their focus? "Instead of a smuggler undergoing a character arc and becoming a hero we instead have a stormtrooper undergoing a character arc and becoming a hero." Luke farmboy to Hero. character arc, hero, blah, bleh, meh. "they both underwent the same character arc" At no point was Han scared of the task. At no point did Han have a lightsaber fight and almost died. I could go on but you wouldnt answer any of them so whats the point. "I'm really happy for you that you love this movie, I really am" oh so that was it? Your opus? where were the timestamps? You went from bragging about pointing out exact details where story matches frame by frame through the whole of each film to feinting about character arc = same. "able to look at a piece of dog sh!t and see something good in it, that is a rare gift" No its not rare the majority of people that saw it, critics and audience saw something good in it, its not rare in the slightest. It received more praise than Rogue One and the prequels. "I hope you love The Empire Strikes Back - 2017 ooops I mean The Last Jedi just as much." Just about sums you up. Please, what are you talking about? Reread or just read the comments above. Who said carbon copies? And that was not my statement at all. Who the fuck said GF 1 & 2 were copies of each other? I said if you call 2 films with character arcs copies then you mayswell call godfather 1 & 2 copies The real reason imdb boards were shut down. full of shills. Now Reddit has them wow, characters who have character arcs in a film=same film. Makes you look ridiculous comparing the Finn character to Han Solo and either of their arcs. I cant recall Han Solo defecting from the Empire at the start of a new hope. And I cant recall meeting Finn for the first time in a canteena and him blowing a guy away thats going to kill him for money. I cant recall Finn owning a ship or even being able to fly one. I cant recall Han Solo having a lightsaber fight and being almost killed at the end of A New Hope. I cant recall Finn taking the rescue money and leaving the fight then appearing right at the end in his own ship to help fend off Kylo Ren while Kylo was flying a tie fighter right before Poe fires an impossible shot using the force into the exhaust system at the end of TFA You are reaching at straws my friend. So why say it then? erm, you just made that crap up. Who said that? You cannot do it, you cannot answer any of my questions. Just answer this one question instead of vitriolic crap. "You are saying Finn was a minor character in the first half of FA?" "Minor detail" ha ha goodbye Felicia, you cannot do it. You are saying Finn was a minor character in the first half of FA? " the overall plot and stories of the two movies are identical. " "1. Where in the first half of A New Hope does a stormtrooper have second thoughts and defect" "way deeper than anything out of TFA and I am sure there is a lot about The Godfather II I haven't picked up on. " No shit monsieur poirot, but you didnt timestamp any of those things or point out simialrities. New stories, new music, new art etc borrows from old, even if unintentional, even if intentional. 1. Where in the first half of A New Hope does a stormtrooper have second thoughts and defect with an Xwing pilot on a tie fighter off an Empire ship? at least try instead of vitriol and mumblings you borowed from "Force awakens SUCKS!!!- RANT" videos from youtube where the "ranter" tried the youtube=cash route and made zero video afterwards. Same wth force awakens. new ideas but with the same familiarity. Timestamp a point in a new hope where the flacon flies out of a junk yard and through an old empire ship with people who dont know how to fly this specific ship? Or where a stormtrooper defects from the empire, at no point in the first half of EP4 do i see that plot point happening, not one point throughout any of the first 3 films, at least timestamp that part where i missed that in any of the 6 SW films beforehand because i cannot see it. Or where the main antagnist kills his own father. timestamps please. Then when you bring those i will bring many more and i want timestamps on each and every one. If you cant please watch the Godfather parts one and two and see familiarity in two separate films. Or maybe just watch films, like in general, just watch a few films in your life. Yeh Godfather part 1, family, gangsters, people get killed. Godfather part 2, same, few nods here and there, same film , rip off. "Everybody objects to recycling the ANH story" Nobody does apart from a ranting vocal MINORITY. It ranks quite high scoring on public and critic voting sites. More than Rogue One which was supposedly more original apart from the shoe horned winks to the camera. More shoe horned in the Force Awakens. I was laughing when the Canteena guys basically looked and waved at the camera whne they were evacuating Jedha. "Watch is again, they are the same damn movie. I picked up on that 3 minutes in when Poe gave the death star plans I mean map to Luke Skywalker to R2-D2 I mean BB-8. " I cant recall the part in A New Hope where the start of the movie a Stormtrooper was wanting to defect and did in the first half with the help of a Rebellion pilot. And lightsaber fights at the end of a New Hope. I could go on. I dont think you watched or understood any of the Star Wars films. In Ep 4 the Empire had control of many planets, even a crappy dust planet like Tattooine had foot soldiers around the port. It had a giant space force spread around the Galaxy, shown in Rogue One it had representation on planets. It could drop large scale armies and hardware on any planet. Force Awakens the new order had a planet station and a big gun. Small army ground army. 2 commanders Hux and Kylo Ren. Maybe a few large ships and a small tie fighter army. Maybe we dont see whats around the galaxy but nowhere near anything the Empire had in place by EP 4 I got that he was just bluffing them about the eyes but basically telling them that she wasnt the right one. Its not her. Not because of the eyes but because its not her, they cant just replicate her she is one and her own. And in the process letting them think they goofed.