MovieChat Forums > AngelThMan

AngelThMan (126)


All Performances Angry? Loch Henry Jumped the Shark in one scene - MAJOR SPOILER Question: Possible plot hole (Spoiler!) Rank the Friends by Funniest Earlier version of Network Very Few understand the Movie (SPOILER) Release the film Not Good I Wanted to Like This View all posts >


Cheaper labor plus tax breaks. After thinking about it and doing more research, I believe now that the mission they were on involved a humans in space experiment and not the other way around. So the humans had to be in space because that's what was being observed. I never thought about it, but interesting point. You're right. Awesome! I think Pearl is amazing. X is okay. If you found this forgettable, I'd like to see what movies you're watching. I just watched this and it's totally unique. Definitely not forgettable. You mean 'virtual' signaling. Get your racism straight. He's probably 80 himself, so to him that's hot. So why are you here? A true cinephile doesn't just like fanboy movies. View all replies >