LemmyLugosi's Replies

This show will not last long enough to *gradually* work in anyone! http://articles.latimes.com/2012/dec/03/entertainment/la-et-mn-led-zeppelin-movies-20121203 FROM THE ARTICLE: Led Zeppelin has been notoriously picky about allowing its music to be used in films. The band members' reluctance has lessened a bit over the years, but their asking price remains high, often in the neighborhood of a seven-figure fee. That kind of payout isn’t possible for a modestly budgeted movie. And then, the reboot: GINSU To me, it's surprising that Zeppelin would allow their music to be used at all. They've been extremely stingy with music rights for *anything*, let alone this half-baked/half-assed cable show. I agree. Who the #%@ are these idiots, and how did we all get saddled with them? As a life-long Godzilla fan, I agree. I didn't like this version at all. Always gotta /s, brah. Always! Yes, but the DCEU's most rabid fans are also, ahem, severely limited. I'm a fifty-something former fan. Just lost interest about 7-8 years ago, ya know? But, yeah....I completely hear what you're saying, and I agree with you 100%. Star Wars has enough politics and fighting for justice in it's own natural state; there's no need to pump it up a notch for the sake of being trendy or edgy or cool. Hey, they're giving me the perfect "jumping off" point. Sweet! You get two thumbs up from me there, my friend. two thumbs up I completely agree...it's not at all funny. It's a show about people I'd have to kill, were they to move in next door. Not at all, no. Like Carly Simon on testosterone therapy. Where's the thumbs up button?!? I'd probably give it an 8. I'd tap 'em both. Nekkid, covered in walker-oil. He can call it "One Troll, One Cup".