Wuchak's Posts

Ugly, tedious flick about a painter going over the edge is also an amusing period piece ‘B’ horror in the SoCal wilderness delivers the goods Worth checking out Character study of a lost soul in post-revolution 1970 Weak opening and silly humor, but somewhat amusing The precursor to "Enchanted" and just as good; maybe even better Big city drama (with Tommy Lee Jones and Annette O'Toole) tackles the hard issues I don't get the flack Roland Emmerich's version receives Amusing spooky drama in the English countryside with Patrick Stewart Low-key adult drama and crime thriller Despoiling the rich biyatch The wintry ambiance is great, but the story is meh Night train to avaricious terror South by Southwest Unbelievably true story of a hideous crime and police corruption A period-piece romance that I don't really like), but outstanding “Vampires? We don’t need no stinkin’ vampires” Coulda been a contenda Moving ending, but dull protagonist and meh mystery about life & death Strange goings-on and dark secrets in a lush hamlet of the Buckeye State