FentonMeiks's Replies

i meant slamming in the most lovey-dovey way of course :) i get rate-limiting on my dns server if i hit 1k connections in a certain time limit. but its certainly odd with few connections unless it remembers your ip. doesnt look like an error message to me. it says what it means "rate limited". its trying to slow you down. the owner of moviechat never thought a user would use MC as much as you do. essentially, you look like a bot or an attack. certainly not human :p try the tor browser, it will change your ip and it wont look like your slamming the server from 1 address.... or maybe opera browser and turn the vpn on. thats my guess. truth is stranger than fiction sometimes. this guy got shot at least 15 times by "large caliber" rounds and walks into the hospital. https://abc11.com/philadelphia-shooting-shot-15-times-man-in-tilghman-street/5646294/ large caliber too... its not just "hitting" vitals. the shockwave of the bullets reverberating through the body can cause massive damage, too. crazy. we had a rescue dalmatian, she was short and stocky, 80lbs. apparently Dallys can be extremely territorial. i heard thats why they had them on firetrucks. as soon as they are on them, its their territory. she hated men, other animals, and rain. she was left outside and beaten for barking until she was 6 after she grew out of her useful puppy phase. she was quite vicious to animals and men. very food aggressive/defensive even with me. but her spots were like velcro to family. she would stick to us like glue when we were home. no need for the mossberg either. she was also extremely intelligent. even with multi-stage planning when she wanted her way. my sister had pitbulls from puppies, they bruised her up by jumping on her and rough playing. but they were sweethearts compared to my dally. i thought more about the 2nd one. i never paid it much mind. now you got me thinking :) perhaps it was warning to fonda. our team was behind 7-6. we started moving the ball and their line is falling apart, we were gonna win then whoosh. the rain came down, the game ended, and i cried. fonda is moving the ball (the count was 6-6 at talking) and getting NGs. but it might coming crashing down like the rain on fonda and its going to hurt. correct! haha! probably "reaction videos". videos pop up on my youtube feeds of people watching "greatest movie lists". so theres probably upticks with those movies. i dont think it just recent tho, when VHS came out it catapulted willy wonka from forgotten box office bomb because disney didnt jump on vhs quick enough. i think its just faster and more wide spread now. i saw kids on youtube using the word "maudlin" and i thought ,wow, good word. then i realized they were saying "malding" (mad and bald)... jeez. the first one: i think juror 12 was mocking (8) fonda? first he says something like: looks like we're hung up here... and the old man, that was unexpected, we need to break it up. in advertising you have that guy (fonda?) who wants to run an idea up a flagpole and see who salutes it. second one: i dont know. more humanizing talk? i think it is weird he says rain was coming down like cats and dogs. it was <b>murder</b> ya know?.... strange use of that word there. he was talking about how his football team should've had a come back story that got canceled due to rain? fonda was down 1-11. comeback story also?..... we do see juror 7 looking at his watch and ripping up paper right after that scene. is it just conveying to us that 7's game was canceled like he was ripping up tickets? https://ibb.co/09Y8SW2 we had a jail in our football stadium somebody say Armageddon???? ♫♬♪♩I Don't Want to Miss a Thing ♫♬♪♩ i stood too close to them run lola run farm animal china little in trouble big https://streamable.com/6a7n7v Crazy Ollie (ollie north/iran contra) https://youtu.be/LeTQ0bndjlw?si=MtuYbfby07yZqQ75 1. Showgirls (1995) https://moviechat.org/tt0114436/Showgirls 2. Pretty Woman (1990) - https://moviechat.org/tt0100405/Pretty-Woman 3. Basic Instinct 2 (2006) https://moviechat.org/tt0430912/Basic-Instinct-2 4. The Graduate (1967) - https://moviechat.org/tt0061722/The-Graduate 5. Kingpin (1996) https://moviechat.org/tt0116778/Kingpin 6. Angel (1984) - https://moviechat.org/tt0086896/Angel 7. Ski School (1991) https://moviechat.org/tt0102940/Ski-School 8. Never Say Never Again (1983) https://moviechat.org/tt0086006/Never-Say-Never-Again 9. Elemental (2023) - https://moviechat.org/tt15789038/Elemental 10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) https://moviechat.org/tt0103893/Buffy-the-Vampire-Slayer 11. The Woman in Red (1984) https://moviechat.org/tt0088414/The-Woman-in-Red 12. Gotcha! (1985) - https://moviechat.org/tt0089222/Gotcha does it look like this? https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/laptop-with-virus-attack-warning-message-and-timer-bomb-picture-id639136280?k=20&m=639136280&s=170667a&w=0&h=kFZq9N0UMKluZ43IP-nnbxT_yguzFuSQk6YkMfMkLgg= we're just throwing darts, but i like darts. could be anything. as Padeen said, a mom and pop store are usually the way to go. makes sense looking at robocop's characters names: bod-dick-er dick jones Johnson joe Cox Lt. Hedge-cock damn i havent seen this in forever. i totally forgot this shitty military equipment for arms industry contracts plotline jesus i didnt need to watch that lol