Gd5150's Posts

Zelenski calls for cancellation of elections Has anyone seen Mike Johnson? Let’s all welcome the latest lemming sock account “truthseeker” The only surprise… The real orange culprit responsible for the Palestinian terrorist attack on the west exposed… Moment of silence. Accusations are the new guilty. And rightly so. Looks like bill maher UK parliament demands all social media demonetize him. And another turd courtesy HBO. What an absolute train wreck. Textbook TDS. Get help, it’s not too late. Wow! This looks totally different than everything else Disney has made for the last 15 years. Her bro is much more talented If he weren’t president… Trumps mug shot New Yorks new statue of equal opportunity The guy who bent over the Demokkkrat party on the world stage…dead Legitimate rockstar Typical modern Hollywood unaccomplished narcissist