TommyJarvis82's Posts

Why this works. The most underrated movie theme of all time. Elizabeth Olson in a Todd Solondz flick. Guber-Peters had their fingers in a lot of major pies in the 80s. It always makes me feel old when I can still remember TV ads for fairly obscure movies from 30+ years ago. Not especially talented nor conventionally charismatic, but does have an interesting/weird aura about her. This would have seemed really impressive 20 years ago. Upcoming series "The Curse" is going for something similar... She's like a throwback to when actors/actresses her age carried themselves like genuinely mature adults. This movie is a massive critical and commercial bomb. Charlotte Collins is already one of my favorite characters of all three seasons. The OUATIH making of book. More complex than she seems. AJ Cook This should be a WTF cult classic. Looking back, I wish the stories were about 15-20 minutes longer. Stories about her being a real alpha on set. He probably knew all this stuff would eventually come out. The original is the best, but this one is probably the most rewatchable. A remake