ShogunofYonkers's Replies

🎉🎉🎉Best Wishes🍻🍻🍻 Lol actually looked into it earlier today Youre right...hed have to get funding for a good indie script OR work offshore...union rules, yadda yadda... I could srsly see this creep rebounding tho...his name Must have some cache in Europe or Asia... THIS guy is gonna attempt a major comeback...hes not selling cars anytime soon Well i should be honest and admit i havent seen this show in 30+ years...but i remember my whole family laughing their asses of every week...And i was very small but i remember there was smthg about Carol...i liked her a lot...she seemed funny and cool PLUS, there was nothing on TV back then so... Yeah...thats really far from me Considered a pretty and fun area Hope you got there eventually...ive only been there once NYS is almost too damn big tbh...should be like South NY and North NY LOL...such different vibes Gotta be honest I think hell be back He may be a dirtbag but...the whole system is broken I bet you 1$ hes back in two years...weve seen this before... What area of NY? Im upstate all the time...its REALLY beutiful up there in spring and fall Jeez...pretty messed up Id rather just get the flu and puke for a few days! TBH im afraid to travel in the US :/ Hope your arm feels better soon dude! Thx Wow...i was 3 so pls excuse me- had NO idea not taking those shots..the 'authorities' always screw everything up man... AND 'Swine Flu Fiasco' would be a great punk band name...c'mon!! As always thx for links How! 1976..? Smthg bad happened back then with the shots? Ha!! Well those are the best ones Ill seek it out!! Thx Yeah...i aint 'fraid of no flu My wife is an RN and shes really good at her gig...she says they develope the vaccine on the 'anticipated' flu strain for this season...which kinda sounds like a crap shoot to me... Im just gonna take my chances again...i haven't lost yet... Thx tho:) you are NOT wrong to go! 5/ looking forward to JLC...LOVE her! The last couple H's were pretty bad imo Im gonna see part 4 again from original/unrestored 35mm reels in a cozy theater pretty soon just outside of NYC...hope i like it more this time around... I found their relationship and behavior to be platonic and innocent enough (despite all the shootings lol) BUT i do get that some people could see something a bit 'off' in it... Supposedly the first draft of the script had a 'love' scene between Leon and the girl...creepy beyond words if true...glad they dropped that element of the story I otherwise really liked this one Haha!! Nostalgia porn...ill have to google that...wait maybe id better not!! Jeez i really liked TFA...i guess im in the minority here but everyone i saw it with really liked it... Sound interesting thx! And always happy to see Swayze...i miss that guy...ill look for this one Youre probably right I wont be shocked if he making films again in a year or two...short memories:/ and films are ridiculous... Im watching Purge Election Year atm...a guy got shot in the collar bone area and hes just still kicking ass lol...i stub my toe and i need to lie down Oh i agree I just suck at rating things