Favourite Lines

1. "I was not as impressive as I am now, I can assure you."
(Delivered with perfect aplomb.)
2. "My calibrations are flippin' pinpoint, ok"
(Don't you be dissin' me, girl.)

Out of the last hundred films Ive watched, my two favourite lines.


"I was not as impressive as I am now, I can assure you."

I loved that line! Made me laugh pretty hard. Gotta love Mark Duplass, he was really good in this.

Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!


He was the bomb! He played the eccentric, quirky thing so convincingly, it made me completely understand why that chick fell for him.
I reckon all the actors played their parts just fine.
Damn good indie flick


I think a huge part of what makes this movie so great is him playing his character so deadpan and the quirky way he portrays his character's conviction. I can only imagine how much they must have laughed behind the scenes. The other actors were good, but Mark Duplass definitely stole the show.


Just watched this. Adored it. Some of the lines were absolutely incredible and some of the most memorable I've heard:

"Stormtroopers don't know anything about lasers or time-travel. They're blue-collar workers."

Darius: You wouldn't want to see the dragons and the elves, fighting each other in the magical forests? Come on!
Arnau: No. That wasn't a time.

Darius: What - are you guys racist?
Jeff: It's complicated.

The last lines of the whole film are so beautiful and profound as well. Just amazing.

Recent favs: Sicario | Ex Machina | Enemy | Captain Fantastic | Hunt for the Wilderpeople


Have you ever seen Star Wars?

