danno1864's Replies

Last Jedi Hate is relevant for poor Solo box office Sammy. Do you want to be my friend? You seem to respond to all my posts. Thank you so much for you reply! Thank you for your service :) Thank you so much for your service and response! Do you laugh at the gunplay or is it depicted somewhat realistically? You made it possible for a bum like me to just sit in his parents basement and wonder :) who? Yes! I know what you mean. I off course love me some Josh Brolin- he is amazing! But an EPIC 10 year build up and he is Supervillan and Hero? You are right! I meant Hayden Rian Johnson likely spent MORE money doing this stupid, gag than the original Star Wars movie cost. :( Yes it's called "skillful animation and craftsmanship" - sadly this is missing in modern cartoons that lack care and attention. :) In all seriousness I'm not sure...I only know I'm in awe of this amazing series and rewatching it now. Couldn't agree more. These new films are poorly conceived and made by lesser also-ran filmakers that have no talent. JJ Abrams is a joke but a genius compared to that dweeb idiot Rian Johnson (thank you for the at Leia Mary Poppins thing and Luke drinking Sea Cow Milk). Seriously WTF Not sure what you mean ....I'm in denial of how awesome this movie really is??? haha! I thought about the dream reset thing too after these COMPLETE DISASTER OF MOVIE. Milk a space cow and then float with your legs crossed.... seriously wtf! Because the writer of TLJ is incompetent and has no business making a Star Wars movie with classic characters.