greentimemusic's Replies

Because she's good at what she does. Doesn't matter their sex, color, age or race. Some people love to tear down others that are good at things. It makes them feel better about themselves and their failures in their own miserable lives. It's the way of the world now thank to social media. Your face is woke. He lost in 2020. And fails at everything he touches. I'm not crying at all. LOL. I'm laughing at his failure and the blind people that follow the felon. Trump lost in 2020. Trump lost yesterday. And Trump loses in November. He's a loser. It was excellent. Good story. Good pace. Good acting and good directing. Nothing more you could ask for. It was a very interesting and entertaining movie. Keaton does his usual great job as the lead actor but his direction is even better. So 3 of the 4 years trump was in office, America was great? And that's it? What about the other 1/4 of Trump's presidency? It's a long ass line, let me tell ya. LOL. Just to be clear and so everyone understands just how stupid you are. America was ONLY great from 2017-2019? Which is only half of Trump's presidency. This is what you are saying? It was never great at any other time in our entire history? God damn, you might be the dumbest person on the planet. How's it weird to say. No information from the laptop has not resulted in any corruption charges for Hunter or Joe Biden. No corruption charges have been filed at all. EVER. But everyone continues to bring it up as if it's some kind of smoking gun. There's nothing there. LOL. His slogan in 2016 was make America great again. Your answer? 2017-2019. That's not how numbers work. That's what they said in 2020. The only ones left crying was MAGA. Anyone that even mentions the "Biden laptop" is a straight up right winged maga nutball. Any creditability you might have had is gone. You might as well have said the election was stolen. Oh wait, sorry I misspelled it. STOLLEN. I'm enraged that I watched it. Does that count? T❤️R❤️U❤️M❤️P❤️I❤️S❤️A❤️D❤️O❤️U❤️C❤️H When was America last great? Pretty much about as correct a stament as you could have made. Nice job. It was definitely not what I was expecting or wanting. Dumbest thing I've seen on here in a long long time. That says a lot. I agree. Was more interested in why this all happens. How it happened. All we got was a Vietnam type camera crew going around shooting the hells of war. This could of taken place in any war ever.