MovieChat Forums > cane77

cane77 (17)


Two questions from the last episode Inconsistency in Bran's Character Bran reminds me of Dr. Manhattan Gendry Theory View all posts >


It seems like it has to be a woman because they made such a big deal of it being a man in episode 2. Why rule out half of the good suspects so soon unless it's a diversion? I'm hoping that Camille isn't doing stuff while "blacked out." That would be lame, but not surprising. I think, if you liked The Leftovers, you were satisfied by the conclusion. I know that a lot of people didn't like the series. If you can make it through the first season, the finale of Season 1 is crazy (in an entertaining way). To me, it's worth making it through the first season just for that episode. Along the way, Carrie Coon was enough for me to keep watching; her character was interesting and she did a great job with it. I think that both The Wire and The Leftovers had satisfying conclusions. The thing they both had in common was that the following was lukewarm, and so they moved to the final season pretty quickly. The Wire is deservedly seen as one of the greatest shows, but much of the praise came after the series had ended. In support of what you're saying, if you think of how The Wire ended, if they tried to have that ending after 10 years of shows, it wouldn't have worked nearly as well. Swingers. Good movie, definitely worth watching and probably Vince Vaughn's best that I've seen. I think Jon Favreau's character keeps it from being rewatchable though. LOL. I saw the movie with my kids and we joked on the way home that "broom boy" was the big reveal. ...and how about a reveal that Tormund is still alive. You're doing too much pickle boy. Given that Cersei just revealed her plan to Jaimie, I was really surprised that she just let him leave. She would have to think he could end up back with Tyrion and end up telling him. I was expecting him to get hunted down after that first snowflake. Anyhow, I couldn't understand why Cersei keeps calling it treasonous that Jaimie met with Tyrion. Jaimie was led there by Bronn who didn't give him advanced warning; wouldn't he have mentioned that? Or was he protecting Bronn? In support of "he is getting better," he did fulfill Sam's request to verify the scroll pretty quickly. Seeing as how he wouldn't have immediately known how and where the wedding would have taken place, it was conveniently fast. I'm OK with expedited storylines and travel times given the number of episodes left, which is also the reason I am curious why the storytellers found the Meera and Sansa interactions worthy of precious air time. Other than telling Jon in person next season, I wonder what role Bran will even play. Maybe he'll warn Winterfell earlier than they would have otherwise known about the wall. Thank you! View all replies >